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týrat Czech

Translation týrat translation

How do I translate týrat from Czech into English?

Synonyms týrat synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as týrat?

Conjugation týrat conjugation

How do you conjugate týrat in Czech?

týrat · verb

Examples týrat examples

How do I use týrat in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Přestaň se týrat.
Stop torturing yourself.
Nemusíme zabíjet, týrat, zneužívat a vykořisťovat zvířata, abychom měli všechny potřebné živiny k plnohodnotnému životu.
We don't need to kill, torture, abuse and exploit animals to have all necessary nutrients for adequate lives.

Movie subtitles

Ale kluka nikdo týrat nebude.
Nothing. But nobody will torture the boy.
Mou vinou ho budou týrat.
It's my fault they will torture him.
Nebudete ho týrat fyzicky. ani nebudete ponižovat jeho lidskou důstojnost.
You're not to abuse him physically. nor degrade his dignity as a human being.
Vaše ctihodnosti, je dovoleno mému váženému kolegovi týrat a urážet svědka?
My lord, is my learned friend to be allowed to bully and insult the witness?
Dospělé nesmíš týrat.
One mustn't mistreat grown-ups.
Týrat ženy, zabíjet nevinné dívky.
Terrorizing women, murdering innocent girls.
Počkej, nás bude týrat cestou na Jamajku.
Wait till he breaks our back making for Jamaica.
Jestli. jestli vás bude i nadále týrat, tak .
If. if he continues mistreating you like that, I'll.
Nevím o co vám jde, ale vypadá to, že se snažíte týrat bezbraného muže.
I don't know what it's about, but it seems you're bullying a weak man.
Jak dlouho budete týrat lidi,co?
How long will you go on torturing the people?
Jen přestaňte týrat Oyasu!
Stop manhandling Oyasu!
Budu ho řekněme, týrat.
I'll just. let's say, torture him.
Vůbec nechci týrat.
I don't intend to torture you.
Prosím, nedej týrat bezbrannou dívku.
Don't torture a defenceless girl.

News and current affairs

Představa, že si diktátor může vyhradit suverénní právo týrat vlastní lid, se stala nepřijatelnou.
The notion that a dictator can claim the sovereign right to abuse his people has become unacceptable.

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