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hurtig German

Meaning hurtig meaning

What does hurtig mean in German?


fast, quick veraltend, landschaftlich: mit hoher Geschwindigkeit Die Näherinnen gingen hurtig ans Werk.

Translation hurtig translation

How do I translate hurtig from German into English?

Synonyms hurtig synonyms

What other words in German have the same or similar meaning as hurtig?

Examples hurtig examples

How do I use hurtig in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Nach kurzem Besinnen sprang ich hurtig durchs Fenster, geradewegs auf den Heuhaufen im Hof.
After a moment for recollection, I jumped nimbly through the window, straight onto the haystack in the farmard.

Movie subtitles

Jetzt aber hurtig.
Now, don't be long.
Hurtig und kampferprobt sind die Krieger.
The warriors are brisk and battle-scarred.
Rollt sie weg. Hurtig jetzt.
Roll it away.
Ja, hurtig, hurtig.
Yeah. Keep her busy.
Ja, hurtig, hurtig.
Yeah. Keep her busy.
Und hurtig jetzt.
Lively now.
Gib sie ab, schnell, lauf, beeil dich, hurtig!
Deliver them post haste. Run fast, get out of here!
Nicht so hurtig.
Uh, forget I was here.
Nun, Freunde, hurtig ans Licht.
Now my friends. Let us hurry back to the light.
Nu hurtig, entspanne sie.
Want to take a bet on that?
Hurry it up.

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