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bloudit Czech

Meaning bloudit meaning

What does bloudit mean in Czech?


pohybovat se po trase, která nevede k cíli bezcílně se toulat  Ve veliké bídě a v strádání neskonalém bloudili kraji a zeměmi.

Translation bloudit translation

How do I translate bloudit from Czech into English?

Synonyms bloudit synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as bloudit?

Conjugation bloudit conjugation

How do you conjugate bloudit in Czech?

bloudit · verb

Examples bloudit examples

How do I use bloudit in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

No páni, někdo se narodí a nikdy se nenaučí bloudit?
You mean, some people are born and never would become putterers?
Naplníme loď a dorazíme do Gloucesteru. do 1. srpna, a on tady bude. bloudit a hledat ryby. Nebo jsem větší platýz než on.
We'll have a full hold and be tied up in Gloucester. by the 1st of August, and he'll still be out here. floundering around, trying to catch fish. or I'll look more like a halibut than he does.
Brzy budu slepý. Budu bloudit jako žebrák.
Soon as I'm blind I'll go off begging.
Bude muset věčně bloudit ve větru.
Has to wander forever between the winds.
Musí bloudit od doby přepadení.
He must have been wandering since the raid.
No tak, Jo, přestaň tady bloudit.
Oh, Jo, stop prowling about.
Pokud neuspěje, bude se neurotický A sám bloudit navždy, slepý a bez domova.
If he fails, he will become a neurotic and himself wander forever, blind and homeless.
A pokud někdo nepohřbí vaše ostatky, vaše duše bude bloudit bez cíle.
And without someone to retrieve your remains, your soul will wander aimlessly.
Odkud to pocházíte, že u vás může žena bloudit ulicemi uprostřed noci?
What kind of country do you come from where a woman can wander alone through the streets at night?
Tvé svědomí váhá a tvá mysl začíná bloudit temnotou.
Your conscience wavers. And your mind begins to wander in the darkness.
Zavinila si to sama, že její mysl začíná bloudit.
It's her own fault that her mind's grown weak.
To snad budu muset celý život bloudit po poušti?
Am I going to wander about this desert for the rest of my life?
To . musel bloudit dva roky Francií jako šílenec. S kulkami v hlavě. S uchem, naplněným hnisem.
For 2 years I've been walking around France like a lunatic with 2 bullet in my head and my ears dripping into my mouth.
Bootes našel Martina bloudit v polích zraněného a polomrtvého.
Bootes found Martin wandering in the field wounded and half-dead.

News and current affairs

Když pozornost klesne ještě více, začnou myšlenky bloudit.
As your alertness declines further, your mind starts to wander.

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