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napomenout Czech

Translation napomenout translation

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Synonyms napomenout synonyms

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Conjugation napomenout conjugation

How do you conjugate napomenout in Czech?

napomenout · verb

Examples napomenout examples

How do I use napomenout in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Několikrát během dopoledne. jsme Rhodu museli napomenout, protože chodila pořád za Claudem. a zkoušela mu tu medaili sebrat.
Several times during the morning. Rhoda had to be stopped from following Claude around. and trying to take the medal away from him.
Henry, můžeš ho napomenout?
Henry, can't you control him?
sem ji tady chtěl jenom napomenout.
Mám je napomenout?
Should I call a car?
Paní předsedkyně soudu, mohla byste napomenout svědka, aby se tak drze neusmíval?
Presiding Chairman, can you instruct the witness to wipe the smirk off his face?
Občas jsem ho musel napomenout, aby byl opatrnější.
I occasionally had to remind him of the time and the place.
Chcete mu něco sdělit, nebo ho napomenout?
Are you offering advice, or admonition?
Ale někdy i slušný hoch potřebuje napomenout.
But, sometimes, even decent boys need reminding.
Přišel nás osobně napomenout.
He wanted to come down and pay us a visit.
Můžeš nás napomenout později.
You can reprimand us later.
I když tu holku opravdu neznám, půjdu ji napomenout.
Even though I really don't know that kid. I will go and give her a warning.
Jean-Philippe chtěl napomenout a potom zjistil, že za to může kuchyně.
Jean-Philippe called me in there to reprimand me, and that's when he found out it was because of the kitchen.
Nemohla byste ho napomenout?
Would you straighten him out on this?
Hodláte napomenout, pane?
Do you propose to admonish me, sir?

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