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uchlácholit Czech

Translation uchlácholit translation

How do I translate uchlácholit from Czech into English?

uchlácholit Czech » English

soothe calm appease solace placate console comfort

Synonyms uchlácholit synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as uchlácholit?

Conjugation uchlácholit conjugation

How do you conjugate uchlácholit in Czech?

uchlácholit · verb

Examples uchlácholit examples

How do I use uchlácholit in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Musím je nejak uchlácholit!
Work for harmony!
Žádné pocty, které mají uchlácholit.
No more honors designed to pacify me.
Byla tak zničená vaším odjezdem, že se musela uchlácholit manželem.
She took on so about your going away that she had to console herself with a husband.
Nesnaž se uchlácholit.
Now, don't try to butter me up.
Existuje snad lepší způsob. jak uchlácholit hladovýho pocestnýho, než chutným domácím pokrmem? Řekněme třeba polívkou ze šťavnatýho jetele?
What better way to mollify satisfy a hungry traveller than with a delicious home-cooked meal starting with a delicate Vak clover soup?
Můj otec se domnívá, že musíme uchlácholit Dlouhánovu důvěru tím, že ten dekret ani nepodpoříme, ani neodmítneme.
My father believes we must lull Longshanks into our confidence by neither supporting his decree nor opposing it.
Ách, ty se jen snažíš uchlácholit.
Aw, you're just tryin' to make me feel better.
Jen se snažíte uchlácholit!
You're just trying to make me feel better! Oh!
Stává se, že když nekdo chce ukončit vztah, tak se partnera snaží uchlácholit.
Many times when somebody tries to end a relationship you flatter them in the process.
Musíte lidi uchlácholit.
So be smart on the phone. Calm people down.
Chcete uchlácholit a pak zlomit?
Gonna fool me with the quiet voice while you beat on my body.
Jenom se snažíš uchlácholit.
You're only trying to cheer me up. Don't.
Jen se snažíš uchlácholit.
Chceš uchlácholit?
Look who I'm talking to, Mr. Tried To Feel Me Up One Time.

News and current affairs

Kdysi jsme se nechávali uchlácholit zevšeobecňujícím tvrzením, že demokratické země usilují o mír.
We used to be reassured by the generalization that democratic countries seek peace.
Nejhorší chybou by bylo sledovat právě opačnou politiku - vyvíjet zákonitě marné úsilí uchlácholit extremisty nebo se pokusit zmírnit jejich postoje.
The worst mistake would be to follow the opposite policy - an inevitably futile effort to appease the extremists or seek to moderate them.
Politici tudíž hledají jiné, rychlejší způsoby jak své voliče uchlácholit.
Thus, politicians have looked for other, quicker ways to mollify their constituents.

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