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poke English

Translation poke in Czech

How do you say poke in Czech?

Examples poke in Czech examples

How do I translate poke into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Do you want to take a poke at him?
Chtěl byste mu jednu vrazit?
If I stay, I know I'm going to take a poke at him.
Jestli zůstanu, tak ho praštím.
I got a poke that says you're wrong.
Mám měšec, který říká, že se mýlíte.
We got a sucker's poke.
Někoho jsme obrali.
Next time you roll a guy for his poke, make sure he don't know your hideout.
Příště oberte někoho, kdo neví, kde vás hledat.
Poke him, David.
Dloubni ho, Davide.
Don't poke your nose in it.
Neměla by ses do toho plést.
I don't know why I don't take a poke at you.
Nevím proč Nenechám se podrazit.
Poke her in the ribs! In the ribs!
Kopněte ho do žeber!
Let's go in and poke somebody in the nose.
Rozmlátíme někomu ciferník!
For the colliery had only begun to poke its skinny black fingers through the green.
Doly teprve začínaly tou zelení prostrkávat své vyzáblé černé prsty.
Just swear out a complaint they took a poke at you and I'll throw 'em in the can.
Zažalujte je, že vás uhodili, a je zavřu do basy.
The sorriest critter on the creek, with things always winding' out black for me. and nothin' to give ya but poke sallet and no-good hog mollies.
Ten nejubožejší tvor na řece, pro kterého vše dopadne špatně, a nemá co nabídnout, jen líčidlo a krunýřovce.
And there's poison plants and poke berries and nightshades dancin' with the bats.
Rostou tam jedovaté rostliny, líčidla a rulíky tam tančí s netopýry.

News and current affairs

Some have taken the risk of resorting to metaphors and allegory, while others poke fun at the whole thing by writing editorials on ballet or bee-keeping.
Některé na sebe vzaly riziko a uchýlily se k metaforám a alegoriím, jiné celou věc zesměšňují tím, že píší úvodníky o baletu nebo o včelařství.

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