chladnička Czech
Meaning chladnička meaning
What does chladnička mean in Czech?
Translation chladnička translation
How do I translate chladnička from Czech into English?
Synonyms chladnička synonyms
What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as chladnička?
Inflection chladnička inflection
How do you inflect chladnička in Czech?
chladnička · noun
Singular chladnička feminine gender
Nominative kdo? co? chladnička feminine gender
Genitive koho? čeho? bez chladničky
Dative komu? čemu? k chladničce
Accusative koho? co? pro chladničku
Vocative chladničko!
Locative o kom? o čem? o chladničce
Instrumental kým? čím? s chladničkou
Plural chladničky feminine gender
Nominative kdo? co? chladničky feminine gender
Genitive koho? čeho? bez chladniček
Dative komu? čemu? k chladničkám
Accusative koho? co? pro chladničky
Vocative chladničky!
Locative o kom? o čem? o chladničkách
Instrumental kým? čím? s chladničkami
Examples chladnička examples
How do I use chladnička in a sentence?
Movie subtitles
Nevypadá jako chladnička.
She doesn't look like a refrigerator.
Pellegrino? Chladnička.
Tvoje chladnička je pokažená.
Your fridge is broken.
A zničená chladnička znamená že svačina nebude tak se pokuste ignorovat všechny dělníky a hluk a pustíme se do práce, můžeme?
And a broken refrigerator means snack-time is out so let's try to ignore all the workmen and noise and such and get right to work, shall we?
A zničená chladnička znamená že svačina nebude tak se pokuste ignorovat všechny dělníky a hluk a pustíme se do práce, můžeme?
And a broken refrigerator means snack-time is out so let's try to ignore all the workmen and noise and such and get right to work, shall we?.
Líbí se mi ta chladnička ve tvaru rakve.
I love that little coffin refrigerator.
Oh, chladnička, tady!
On the fridge, here!
Chladnička udrží ty piva studené.
The cooler's gonna keep the beer cold.
A tady dole je chladnička. A je to opravdu chladnička, a ne pouze chladnější prostor.
And down here, there is a refrigerator, and it is a refrigerator, not merely a slightly chilly cubbyhole.
A tady dole je chladnička. A je to opravdu chladnička, a ne pouze chladnější prostor.
And down here, there is a refrigerator, and it is a refrigerator, not merely a slightly chilly cubbyhole.
Pěkná chladnička.
That's a-a good-lookin' cooler.
A když jsem se dnes ráno probudil chladnička byla pryč.
And when I woke up this morning, The cooler was gone.
Zatímco napravo je chladnička.
Meanwhile, it's right next to their fridge--aah!
Pak je to Bostonská chladnička.
Then you call it a boston cooler.
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