chladno Czech
Translation chladno translation
How do I translate chladno from Czech into English?
chladno Czech » English
Inflection chladno inflection
How do you inflect chladno in Czech?
chladno · noun
Singular chladno neuter gender
Nominative kdo? co? chladno neuter gender
Genitive koho? čeho? bez chladna
Dative komu? čemu? k chladnu
Accusative koho? co? pro chladno
Vocative chladno!
Locative o kom? o čem? o chladnu
Instrumental kým? čím? s chladnem
Plural chladna neuter gender
Nominative kdo? co? chladna neuter gender
Genitive koho? čeho? bez chladen
Dative komu? čemu? k chladnům
Accusative koho? co? pro chladna
Vocative chladna!
Locative o kom? o čem? o chladnech
Instrumental kým? čím? s chladny
Examples chladno examples
How do I use chladno in a sentence?
Simple sentences
Je chladno.
It's cold.
Jak dlouho ještě bude takové chladno?
How long will this cold weather go on?
Mám rád, když je chladno.
I like it when it's cold.
Je mlhavo a trochu chladno.
It's misting and a little cold.
Movie subtitles
Tam venku muselo být chladno.
It must've been cold out there.
Je mi chladno.
I am cold.
Není divu, je chladno, pojďme.
Aye, sure. It's damn cold out here.
Budu potřebovat šaty a boty. v březnu je v Anglii chladno. A potřebovala bych kostým.
I'd need clothes and shoes. and it's cold in England in March.
K ránu bývá chladno.
It's liable to get chilly before morning.
Pane průvodčí, je tu velmi chladno.
Conductor, it's very cold.
Bude vám chladno.
You'll be cold, I'm afraid, sir.
Ale není ti trochu chladno beze zbraně?
But don't you find it a bit chilly without a gun?
Je trošku chladno.
It is a wee bit chilly.
Je chladno, že?
It's chilly, isn't it?
U toho okna je chladno.
It's cooler by the window.
Tam nahoře bude chladno.
It's gonna be cold up there.
Drahoušku, není ti chladno, doufám.
There, my love, you're not getting a cold, I hope.
Na cestě je mlha a je chladno.
Very misty on the way and very chilly.
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