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with Czech

Examples with examples

How do I use with in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Slečno Mino, oba tyto pokoje a vaši ložnici both this room and your bedroom have been prepared with wolfbane.
Miss Mina, both this room and your bedroom have been prepared with wolfbane.
Uvidíme Say lt With Music.
We're going to see Say lt With Music.
Anyone with any knowledge of the air knows. that the ultimate speed of aircraft is almost unlimited.
Anyone with any knowledge of the air knows. that the ultimate speed of aircraft is almost unlimited.
And should the occasion arise in peace or war, and you thought your superiors wrong, would you rush to the newspapers. with attacks against their behavior?
And should the occasion arise in peace or war, and you thought your superiors wrong, would you rush to the newspapers. with attacks against their behavior?
The court, again in closed session. and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein, sentences you to be suspended from rank, command and duty. with forfeiture of all pay and allowances for a period of five years.
The court, again in closed session. and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein, sentences you to be suspended from rank, command and duty. with forfeiture of all pay and allowances for a period of five years.
He made a deal with the sheriff.
He made a deal with the sheriff.
What will I do with the smoke?
What will I do with the smoke?
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature.
Je to ten Indický film, The Elephant with Two Tails.
That Indian picture, The Elephant with Two Tails.
Mohli tam být stejní Američané, Japonci, Arabové. with the same eyes, tired from counting doIIars. se stejnýma očima, unavenýma od počítání dolarů.
There'd have been the same Americans, Japanese, Saudis. with the same eyes, tired from counting dollars.
Any trouble you have, you can share them with me.
Any trouble you have, you can share them with me.
Like a child does with a toy?
Like a child does with a toy?
When you come to Chicago, come stay with us.
When you come to Chicago, come stay with us.
Traveling with my folks.
Traveling with my folks.

News and current affairs

V tomto ohledu je zajímavou právní normou oregonský Zákon o důstojné smrti (Death with Dignity Act).
In this respect, the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon is an interesting law.

with English

Translation with in Czech

How do you say with in Czech?

Examples with in Czech examples

How do I translate with into Czech?

Simple sentences

Would you like to dance with me?
Nechceš si se mnou zatančit?
Would you like to dance with me?
Nechcete si se mnou zatančit?
I don't agree with him.
Nesouhlasím s ním.
I don't agree with him.
s ním nesouhlasím.
Did you fall in love with her at first sight?
Zamiloval ses do na první pohled?
You are free to do as you please with your money.
Se svými penězi si můžeš dělat co chceš.
While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you.
Ačkoliv chápu, co říkáš, souhlasit s tebou nemůžu.
I can only say that I agree with you.
Nemohu než říci, že s vámi souhlasím.
I am disgusted with you.
Jsem tebou zhnusen.
How can I feel relaxed, with you watching me like that?
Jak si mohu odpočinout, když takhle pozoruješ?
Find an empty bottle and fill it with water.
Najdi nějakou prázdnou flašku a naplň vodou.
To our surprise, Tom came to our party with Mary.
K našemu překvapení přišel Tom na náš večírek s Mary.
I'll go with you as far as the bridge.
Půjdu s tebou k mostu.
I'll go with you as far as the bridge.
Půjdu s vámi k mostu.

Movie subtitles

Arrange a meeting with my mother.
Ty jsi ale vyrostl. - Můžu vidět svoji matku?
With that money, she can buy all the milk in the world and raise 1000 children!
Ta by mohla za své peníze vychovat tisíc dětí.
I mean why make a big deal with just one shirt.
Je to jenom oblečení.
With just this one shirt, I can feed 5 people in my family.
Za to můžu koupit jídlo pro svou rodinu.
With that brings the end of program.
Touto písní se loučíme. Nashledanou.
She's with Yoon to help him out.
Šla s Yunem na jeho bláznoviny.
I think that girl with thick lips recognizes you.
Myslím, že tamta žena poznala.
Who mother dies. Her father has an affair and flees with his lover.
Její máma zemřela a otec utekl s jinou ženou.
I told you I'm not speaking with you anymore!
Říkal jsem ti, že s tebou nemluvím!
Talk with me, hmm?
Prosím, mluv se mnou. Mluv se mnou.
I checked into a really nice hotel with the money you gave me. You're right.
Bydlím ve špičkovém hotelu, za peníze co jsi mi dala.
Didn't you break up with him?
Ty jsi to s ním neskončila?
I should stop playing with kids.
Nemůžu dál chodit s chlapečky. - Min-joo.
You said that if I died, you'd come along with me.
Young-woo, tvrdil jsi, že kdybych umřela, tak ty taky, ne?

News and current affairs

Today, the mood is much grimmer, with references to 1929 and 1931 beginning to abound, even if some governments continue to behave as if the crisis was more classical than exceptional.
Dnes je nálada mnohem pochmurnější a začínají se hojně objevovat odkazy na roky 1929 a 1931, třebaže některé vlády se nepřestávají chovat, jako by krize byla spíše klasická než výjimečná.
For many of his supporters, it was President Ronald Reagan who, with his deliberate escalation of the arms race, pushed the Soviet economy to the brink, thereby fully demonstrating the superiority of liberal societies and free markets.
Pro mnohé z příznivců Ronalda Reagana to byl právě prezident USA, kdo záměrnou eskalací závodů ve zbrojení dohnal sovětskou ekonomiku na okraj propasti, čímž plně doložil převahu liberálních společností a volných trhů.
Similar demands were heard all over Europe, where the anti-Nazi or anti-fascist resistance was often led by leftists, or indeed Communists, and prewar conservatives were frequently tainted by collaboration with fascist regimes.
Podobné požadavky se ozývaly po celé Evropě, kde v čele protinacistického či antifašistického odboje často stáli levičáci nebo i komunisté, zatímco předváleční konzervativci byli mnohdy ušpinění kolaborací s fašistickými režimy.
Social democracy, with its promise of greater equality and opportunities for all, served as an ideological antidote.
Jako jeho ideologická protilátka pak sloužila sociální demokracie se svým slibem větší rovnosti a příležitostí pro všechny.
But much else collapsed with the Soviet model.
Se sovětským modelem se však zhroutila i řada dalších věcí.
He gave a fascinating talk about his adventures, complete with clips of him floating around, catching bubbles in his mouth, and so on.
Přednesl strhující vyprávění o svém dobrodružství, doplněné záběry toho, jak se vznáší, chytá do úst bubliny a podobně.
Such restrictions on freedom did not meet with much public opposition when they were adopted.
Taková omezení svobody se po svém přijetí nesetkala s příliš silným veřejným odporem.
That is all the more reason for democrats to stand tall in defending our values - first and foremost by acting in accordance with them.
Tím spíš je třeba, aby se demokraté při obhajobě svých hodnot chovali důstojně - v prvé řadě tím, je budou jednat v souladu s nimi.
Terrorists continue to be outliers with limited appeal at best.
Teroristé zůstávají ojedinělými odchylkami od normy, jejichž přitažlivost je přinejlepším omezená.
With mutual recognition, the EU and the US would accept each other's standards or conformity-assessment procedures, allowing firms to adhere to the less stringent requirements in each area.
V případě vzájemného uznávání by EU a USA navzájem akceptovaly své standardy nebo procedury hodnocení nezávadnosti, takže by firmy musely v dané oblasti dodržovat méně striktní požadavky.
Indeed, our research shows that when mutual-recognition agreements include restrictive rules of origin, intra-regional trade increases - at the expense of trade with other countries - and that developing countries tend to suffer most.
Náš výzkum ukazuje, že když dohody o vzájemném uznávání obsahují restriktivní pravidla o původu, pak se zvyšuje vnitroregionální obchod - na úkor obchodu s jinými zeměmi - a nejvíce tím trpí rozvojové státy.
If the EU and the US made these two commitments, the rest of the world could follow the TTIP negotiations with hope, rather than trepidation.
Kdyby EU a USA učinily tyto dva závazky, zbytek světa by mohl sledovat jednání o TTIP nikoliv s obavami, nýbrž s nadějí.
After the subprime crisis erupted, mortgage and consumer debt was paid down by households either with their savings or by default.
Když propukla krize podřadných hypoték, domácnosti začaly splácet své hypoteční a spotřebitelské dluhy buď ze svých úspor, nebo prostřednictvím ztráty zástavy.
Now, with household debt sustained on a knife-edge after feverish government intervention, the fiscal position has deteriorated dramatically and the current-account balance has worsened again.
Za současné situace, kdy zadlužení domácností po horečnaté vládní intervenci zůstává nejisté, fiskální pozice dramaticky upadá a bilance běžného účtu se opět zhoršuje.

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