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napustit Czech

Translation napustit translation

How do I translate napustit from Czech into English?

napustit Czech » English

impregnate soak saturate imbue fill up

Synonyms napustit synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as napustit?

Conjugation napustit conjugation

How do you conjugate napustit in Czech?

napustit · verb

Examples napustit examples

How do I use napustit in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Můžete mi napustit vanu.
You can fill my bath for me.
Můžu vám napustit vanu.
Brzo si budete moci napustit vanu a zbavit se blech.
Soon, you can lie in your tub and get rid of the fleas. What fleas?
Trvalo hodinu napustit to!
It took an hour to fill it!
Jestli ještě uzvednu ruku, se odsud dostaneme, ukážu vám, jak se umím napustit .
If I can still raise an arm when we get out of here I'll show you how well saturated I can get.
Musíme to napustit.
We must fill it up.
Napřed musíš napustit do vany trochu vody.
Well, first you gotta run some water in the tub.
Asi udělám nejlíp, když ji teď půjdu napustit.
I think it's time I filled that bathtub.
Běž mu napustit vanu.
Run up and draw him a bath.
Můžem pak napustit královničku.
We'll get the prom queen impregnated.
Mohli bysme napustit bazén A jedli bysme třikrát denně.
We could fill up the pool and we'll eat three times a day.
Nejdřív ji musíš napustit parafinem.
W-Well, you have to s-s-seal it first with p-p-p-paraffin.
Obvaz musím napustit roztokem petunie (bukvice lékařská).
I'll need to soak this bandage with betony.
A znovu napustit?
And refill it?

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