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prominout Czech

Meaning prominout meaning

What does prominout mean in Czech?


pardon, excuse, forgive, condone přestat zazlívat, již se nezlobit  Ano, ublížila jsem ti, uznávám, ale mi to prosím promiň! exempt, relieve, free přestat vyžadovat  Přijímací zkoušky mohou být prominuty uchazečům s vynikajícím prospěchem.

Translation prominout translation

How do I translate prominout from Czech into English?

prominout Czech » English

excuse pardon condone forgive

Synonyms prominout synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as prominout?

prominout Czech » Czech

odpustit omluvit ospravedlnit

Conjugation prominout conjugation

How do you conjugate prominout in Czech?

prominout · verb

Examples prominout examples

How do I use prominout in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Račte prominout.
If you want order, see to it I get my medal!
Člověk nesmí prominout urážku, ale smí volně urážet.
One must never pardon an insult but may freely give one.
No, tedy račte prominout.
Forgive me.
Robert: Račte prominout, pan Kristian odešel?
Excuse me, has Mr. Kristian gone?
Patočka: Račte prominout, pane baron, ale ono mi to vyšlo samo od sebe.
I beg your pardon, sir, but the gun fired by itself.
Račte prominout, pane!
I beg your pardon, sir!
Musíš mi to prominout.
You'll have to forgive me.
Musíte prominout, je dost neotesaný.
A very uncouth character, I'm afraid.
Račte prominout, ale bez povolení dámy na základnu nesmějí.
Beggin' your pardon, but unauthorised ladies are not permitted on this post.
Musíte mi prominout.
If your Majesty will forgive me.
Musíte mi prominout, ale nechápu.
Pardon me, but I don't understand.
Jednou vás možná oslovím jinak, ale teď mi budete muset prominout slovník lásky.
Darling, I may call you by other names one day but for now, you'll have to forgive the language of love.
Musíte mi prominout.
You must excuse me, Mr. Banning.
Musíte mu prominout. Byli jsme si vědomi pouze stovek poprav.
He would give you the excuse. we were only aware of the extermination of the hundreds.

News and current affairs

Avšak prominout chudým zemím jejich dluhy, aniž bychom se domluvili na lepším rámci pro budoucí toky pomoci, je jen prázdné gesto.
But forgiving poor countries' debts without agreeing on a better framework for future aid flows is an empty gesture.

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