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potopit Czech

Meaning potopit meaning

What does potopit mean in Czech?


immerse, sink přemístit pod hladinu kapaliny hovor. záměrně uvést do obtížně řešitelné situace

Translation potopit translation

How do I translate potopit from Czech into English?

potopit Czech » English

sink submerge scuttle duck immerse dip deep six plunge drown

Synonyms potopit synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as potopit?

potopit Czech » Czech

ponořit zabořit utopit nechat rupnout

Conjugation potopit conjugation

How do you conjugate potopit in Czech?

potopit · verb

Examples potopit examples

How do I use potopit in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Pane Cutlere, tam se potopit nelze.
Mr. Cutler, such a dive is impossible.
se tam potopit.
That dive is not impossible.
se nedám rozbít ani potopit.
I neither intend to be bombed nor sunk, Mr. Kane.
Velice lituje, že ponorka musela potopit naši loď.
Regrets very much the U-boat was compelled to sink our ship.
Musím se potopit dolů a podívat se.
I gotta go down underneath and take a look.
Chtěli jsme potopit tuto loď, a byli bychom..
We came to sink this ship, and we would have except.
Srovnat New York se zemí, potopit Gibraltarskou skálu?
Levelling New York City perhaps, or sinking the Rock of Gibraltar.
Duku, nezapomen se potopit.
Duke don't forget to duck.
Abysme se k díře dostali, budem se muset potopit.
We're gonna have to dive to get to that tear.
Hej Jonathane, ty ho chceš potopit?
Watch it Jonathan, you'll run the man down.
Ty ho chceš potopit? Ptám se.
You'll run the man down, I tell you.
Crumpe, spolčit se s vámi by znamenalo potopit celou tu železnici.
Look, Crump, we'd sooner see our train at the bottom of the river. I guarantee that goes for all of us.
Musel jsem ho potopit.
I had to torpedo him.
Abych ho mohl správně použít, musím se s ním potopit dolů.
To use it properly, I have to do it underwater.

News and current affairs

Rusko přece nemá zdaleka tolik síly, aby dokázalo potopit jakoukoli část evropského trhu.
Russia is not strong enough to sink any part of the European market.
Dnes se váleční štváči snaží potopit vídeňskou dohodu.
Today, the warmongers are trying to scuttle the Vienna accord.
Rozhodne-li se Asad potopit prezidentské volby, aby zesílil pozici Sýrie v Bejrútu, strana se k němu přidá.
If Assad decides to scuttle the presidential election in order to strengthen Syria's hold in Beirut, then the party will go along.

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