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opar Czech

Meaning opar meaning

What does opar mean in Czech?


mist, haze jemná mlha herpes onemocnění kůže přen. zamlžení smyslů

Translation opar translation

How do I translate opar from Czech into English?

Synonyms opar synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as opar?

Inflection opar inflection

How do you inflect opar in Czech?

opar · noun


Examples opar examples

How do I use opar in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Ten opar zakrývá všechno.
That mist covers everything.
Mají kolem sebe hladový opar.
They have an air of hunger about them.
Roste jak opar na rtu. Zdravím, mladé dámy.
It grows much as a sore.
A ty sní o polibcích. Však často zlostná Mab jim ráda sešle opar, neboť jim dech čpí sladkou vůní misu.
O'er ladies' lips, who straight on kisses dream, which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues, because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are.
Projížděla jsem lesem a najednou z ničeho nic tu byl podivný opar.
I was driving through a forest and all of a sudden there was a strange sort of. Mist.
Opar. plyn!
The mist. The gas!
A krom toho se mi na rtu dělá opar, což je vážně k nesnesení.
And not only that, but I'm developing a herpes on my lip here that is really killing me.
Bojíš se, že dostaneš opar?
We don't got cooties.
Purpurovej opar!
Purple haze. Look, man.
Máš rudý rty, Marie opar na nich nemáš?
You have a red mouth, Marie and not a blister on it.
Hodně zakrývá opar.
The haze obscures much.
Řekla jsem mu, že mám opar.
You know, he wanted. I told him I had herpes.
He's got herpes!
Ach, můj šálek se změnil v pramen zaplavující neposkvrněný koberec. a dál dveřmi na Pierrepot Street. skrz mlžný opar obsáhl celý Brooklyn.
Oh, my cup turned into a spillway flooding across the spotless carpet, out the door down Pierrepont Street, across all the twilit carnal reaches of Brooklyn.

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