narodit Czech
Translation narodit translation
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Smáli jste se jim, mrazilo vás, ale mohli jste se narodit. jako oni.
You laughed at them, shuddered at them. and yet, but for the accident of birth. you might be even as they are.
Musel ses s tím narodit.
You must be born with the gift. -Now, now, lassie.
A to je to, co dělá naši zemi,. narodit se v ní,. pracovat na ní. a umřít.umřít v ní!
That's what makes it our'n. Being born on it, and workin' on it. and dying. dying on it!
Chlapče, jestli tvůj frňák dovede rozpoznat stopy vozů na těch skalách měl ses narodit jako policejní pes.
Boy, if your smeller can pick out a wagon track on them rocks you ought to have been born a bloodhound.
Ta se ale uměla narodit.
She was born with a silver spoon.
Vy jste se museli narodit na svatodušním shromáždění.
You two guys must have been born in a revival meeting.
Dal bych všechny peníze za to, kdybych se mohl narodit v Kentucky.
I wish you take the money and live the life where you born too in Kentucky.
Těžké je narodit se kdekoliv.
It's tough to be born anywhere.
A nemůžou se miminka narodit pořád dokola?
Babies can be born again and again, can't they?
Přál jsem si, narodit se do bohatství,jako ty a dělat si,co chci.
I, too, wish I was born into money like you, and do whatever the hell I want. You know?
Podle tebe by se měli všichni narodit a umřít na jednom místě.
You can't fit in there. I mean, according to you, people should be born, live and die on the same spot!
Narodit se v bohaté rodine, dostat vychování.
I'd have preferred to be born into a rich family. To be given a good education.
Myslím, že ses s tím musel narodit.
I guess you have to be born with one.
Člověk se musí jako někdo narodit, ne vyučit.
It's your natural gifts that matter.
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Když HIV pozitivní matka dostane předporodní léčbu, aby se její dítě mohlo narodit HIV negativní, měníme tím budoucnost.
When an HIV-positive mother receives antenatal treatment so that her child can be born HIV-free, we change the future.