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minout Czech

Meaning minout meaning

What does minout mean in Czech?


pass pohybem projít okolo předmětu  Jejich auto po hodině jízdy minulo bývalou celnici. pass (jev) stát se minulostí  Minuly dva týdny, Honza se však stále nevracel. miss (střela) proletět mimo  Lučištník dlouho mířil, pak vystřelil, jeho šíp však zcela minul terč.

Translation minout translation

How do I translate minout from Czech into English?

minout Czech » English

pass miss pass around elapse surpass run go past go by

Synonyms minout synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as minout?

Conjugation minout conjugation

How do you conjugate minout in Czech?

minout · verb

Examples minout examples

How do I use minout in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Neměl bys to minout.
You ought not to miss it.

Movie subtitles

Někdo právě vylezl po schodech, mohl byste ho minout.
Somebody just went up those steps. You couldn't have missed him.
Nemůžeš minout s tím jak střílíš.
You can't miss with them any way you shoots them.
Mohli jsme to snadno minout.
We could easily have missed it.
Nemůžeš se minout!
You can't miss.
Baron to nemůže minout.
The baron can't miss it.
Takovou chvíli nemáme právo nechat minout bez povšimnutí.
We have no right to ignore such a special moment.
Zaměř na nespravedlnost, a nemůžeš minout!
Aim this only at injustice, and you cannot fail.
Nemůžeš ho minout.
You can't miss Gutman.
Musel jste ho v mlze minout.
You must have missed him in the fog.
Nemůžeš ho minout.
You won't miss it.
Nechápu, jak se mohli minout.
I don't see how they could have missed them.
Budova Monarch Nemuzete to minout.
Monarch Building. You can't miss it.
Myslíš, že jsme to mohli minout, Finku?
Don't suppose we could've passed her, do you, Fink?
Chtěl jsem na něj počkat a vrátit mu to, ale v tomhle stavu jsem ho mohl minout. Tak jsem se odplazil jak polomrtvej pes.
I thought about waiting for him and letting him have it. but there was a good chance in my condition I might miss. so I decided to crawl away like a poisoned dog.

News and current affairs

Kdyby nás mučivý pocit nevědomosti neustále nutil nořit se čím dál hlouběji ve snaze porozumět všemu, s čím se setkáme, mohli bychom se zahltit podrobnostmi v jedné oblasti a zcela minout oblasti jiné.
If a gnawing sense of ignorance kept us diving deeper in our quest to understand everything we encountered, we might suffocate in the details in one area and miss other areas completely.
V poslední řadě je třeba si uvědomit, že - z jakéhokoli důvodu - i ty nejlépe míněné aktivity se mohou minout svým cílem.
Finally, it must be recognized that - for whatever reason - even the best-intentioned policies do not necessarily translate into results.

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