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ADJECTIVE chorobný COMPARATIVE chorobnější SUPERLATIVE nejchorobnější

chorobný Czech

Meaning chorobný meaning

What does chorobný mean in Czech?


související s chorobou nemocný

Translation chorobný translation

How do I translate chorobný from Czech into English?

Synonyms chorobný synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as chorobný?

Inflection chorobný inflection

How do you inflect chorobný in Czech?

chorobný · adjective


Examples chorobný examples

How do I use chorobný in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Proč máte tak chorobný zájem?
Why this morbid interest?
Zakořeněný, téměř chorobný narcismus.
The deep almost lunatic narcissism.
No, slovník to popisuje jako chorobný strach z uzavřených prostor.
Well, the dictionary defines it as a morbid dread of confined spaces.
Je chorobný lhář s příliš bujnou fantazií.
He's a congenital liar with a rather over-active imagination.
Ten chorobný sen zlomil našeho ducha.
This sick dream has stolen our souls.
Protože ten chorobný tvor s krabicí na hlavě jsem byl .
Because this poor, sick creature with a box on his head was me.
Kdyby to neudělal, přiznal by porážku, což jeho chorobný egoismus nikdy nedovolí.
Failure to do so would be to admit defeat, and that, his insane egoism would never permit.
Jo, jsi chorobný sázkař.
Yeah. You're a compulsive gambler.
Byl to chorobný lhář.
He was a compulsive liar.
Emmet měl z Djanga tak chorobný strach, že chtěl utéct po střeše.
Emmet, as you know, was pathologically phobic about Django Reinhardt. so he tried to escape through the roof.
Pan Návyk Chorobný nebyl v posteli se mnou.
Mr. Compulsive wasn 't in bed with me.
Jsi chorobný optimista?
Who are you, Pollyanna?
Ne, to je italská matka, která chorobný strach o svého syna.
No, that is the cry of an Italian mother who's worried about her son.
Je to chorobný hráč.
He's a compulsive gambler.

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