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zapadnout Czech

Translation zapadnout translation

How do I translate zapadnout from Czech into English?

zapadnout Czech » English

set lock fit in

Synonyms zapadnout synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as zapadnout?

Conjugation zapadnout conjugation

How do you conjugate zapadnout in Czech?

zapadnout · verb

Examples zapadnout examples

How do I use zapadnout in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Nesmí zapadnout do písku.
Don't let her sink in the sand.
Perfektně zapadnout.
The perfect mediocrity.
Snažil jsem se zapadnout, co, matko?
You must be a big man round these parts. - Well, I try to fit in.
Musel zapadnout dolů, že?
It has to be down there somewhere, doesn't it?
Madam, jestli tu nechcete zapadnout sněhem, tak vám radím, abyste zapřáhla a vyrazila do Dodge City.
Madam, if you do not care to get snowed in. I suggest that you hitch up your wagon and head for Dodge.
Všechno to mlčení a snažení a nutnost zapadnout.
All this fitting in and making do and shutting up.
Ale mužete do nej kdykoli zapadnout po krk.
But you'll be able to drop through up to your neck at any time.
Kdyby jsi byl ochotný zdržet se tu jen na chvíli pracovat, zapadnout.
If you were willing to stay on for just a while, work, fit in.
Jsme jenom normální, trochu zmatení lidé, kteří se snaží někam v tomhle světě zapadnout.
We're just two normal, slightly confused people. trying to be connected to the whole damn rotten enchilada.
On, který chtěl jen zapadnout, patřit. jít neviděn nepřáteli a být milován. ani nezapadá, ani nepatří. je kontrolován nepřáteli, a nikdo se o něj nestará.
He who wanted only to fit in, to belong. to go unseen by his enemies and be loved. neither fits in nor belongs. is supervised by enemies, and remains uncared for.
Aby nás brali musíme zapadnout, mluvit jejich jazykem nosit jejich hadry.
To be accepted, we have to fit in, speak the language wear French clothes.
Když budete dávat lidem najevo, že mezi nechcete zapadnout, postaví se proti vám.
Andie, if you put out signals that you don't wanna belong, people are gonna make sure that you don't.
Vy musíte zapadnout odesud tak rychle jak nemůžete.
You must mauve along as querkly as pissible.
Chtěl jsem vypadat jako člověk, zapadnout.
Attempt to look human, fit in, belong.

News and current affairs

Tento úsudek by neměl zapadnout v ambiciózních ekonomikách rozvíjejících se trhů, zejména v Asii - dnes nejrychleji rostoucím regionu světa, který je v čele toho, co v současnosti mnozí označují za dvourychlostní svět.
This conclusion should not be lost on high-flying emerging-market economies, especially in Asia - currently the world's fastest-growing region and the leader of what many now call a two-speed world.

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