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your Czech

Examples your examples

How do I use your in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

I could not help overhearing your name.
I could not help overhearing your name.
I understand it adjoins your grounds.
I understand it adjoins your grounds.
Keep your filthy hands to yourself!
Keep your filthy hands to yourself!
On your way, old fly eater.
On your way, old fly eater.
Ano, and that is what your English doctors would say, vaše policie.
Yes, and that is what your English doctors would say, your police.
Slečno Mino, oba tyto pokoje a vaši ložnici both this room and your bedroom have been prepared with wolfbane.
Miss Mina, both this room and your bedroom have been prepared with wolfbane.
If you live on the land and your home burns down, you get another home.
If you live on the land and your home burns down, you get another home.
Is it your experience, Mr. La Guardia, as a member of the Congress, that younger officers invariably want to carry out the wishes of the general staff?
Is it your experience, Mr. La Guardia, as a member of the Congress, that younger officers invariably want to carry out the wishes of the general staff?
I know your words will not go unheeded by the people of this country.
I know your words will not go unheeded by the people of this country.
To repeat the question, in your statement in San Antonio, why did you call such men traitors?
To repeat the question, in your statement in San Antonio, why did you call such men traitors?
You do then reiterate your accusation. that certain high-ranking officers in the American army are criminals.
You do then reiterate your accusation. that certain high-ranking officers in the American army are criminals.
Col. Mitchell, is it, uh, is it your desire today to remain in the army?
Col. Mitchell, is it, uh, is it your desire today to remain in the army?
And should the occasion arise in peace or war, and you thought your superiors wrong, would you rush to the newspapers. with attacks against their behavior?
And should the occasion arise in peace or war, and you thought your superiors wrong, would you rush to the newspapers. with attacks against their behavior?
Are you ready. to give unquestioned obedience to your superiors, even though you may consider their conduct negligent and incompetent?
Are you ready. to give unquestioned obedience to your superiors, even though you may consider their conduct negligent and incompetent?

your English

Translation your in Czech

How do you say your in Czech?

Examples your in Czech examples

How do I translate your into Czech?

Simple sentences

What made you change your mind?
Co přimělo ke změně názoru?
Your glasses fell on the floor.
Tvoje brýle spadly na podlahu.
Your glasses fell on the floor.
Brýle ti spadly na podlahu.
You must keep your room clean.
Musíš svůj pokoj udržovat v čistotě.
You must not lose sight of your goal in life.
Nesmíš spustit z očí svůj životní cíl.
You are free to do as you please with your money.
Se svými penězi si můžeš dělat co chceš.
You must conquer your fear of the dark.
Musíš překonat svůj strach ze tmy.
Have you done all your homework?
Máš hotové všechny úlohy?
You must put an end to your foolish behavior.
Musíš přestat se svým hloupým chováním.
You don't get up as early as your sister.
Ty nevstáváš tak brzy jako tvoje sestra.
You must stick to your promise.
Svůj slib musíš dodržet.
Your comic books are on the shelf.
Komiksy máš na poličce.
Your comic books are on the shelf.
Tvoje komiksy jsou na polici.
What grade is your sister in?
Do kolikáté třídy chodí tvá sestra?

Movie subtitles

In your head.. there's still a bullet there.
Máš v hlavě kulku.
Is this your house?
To je váš dům?
Your piss!
Vyčural jste se tady!
What the. How can this place be your territory?
Ale tohle není vaše území.
Your mom was a famous movie star a long time ago. And your brother is one of the top singer in our country. Killer, huh?
Vaše matka byla filmovou hvězdou a váš mladší bratr je populární korejský zpěvák.
Your mom was a famous movie star a long time ago. And your brother is one of the top singer in our country. Killer, huh?
Vaše matka byla filmovou hvězdou a váš mladší bratr je populární korejský zpěvák.
She is your mother!
Ona je tvoje matka.
Your mom is that kind of lady. Anything that gets in her way, children or else?
Ona je typ ženy, co se zbaví všeho, co stojí v cestě dokonce i svých děti.
She's capable of that. Your mom does whatever she wishes.
Zbaví se všeho, aby dosáhla svých cílů.
Shut your mouth. I'm going to kill you.
Drž hubu, dědku.
Why, did your mom cause an accident again?
Tvoje máma problémy?
It's not in your fridge?
Nemáte nějaké u vás doma?
I won't let your hands touch water.
Nikdy nedovolím, aby sis máčela ruce.
I'll wait by your house.
Čekám před tvým domem.

News and current affairs

If you are a high-net-worth investor, a sovereign wealth fund, or a central bank, it makes perfect sense to hold a modest proportion of your portfolio in gold as a hedge against extreme events.
Jste-li investorem disponujícím velkým objemem prostředků, suverénním fondem nebo centrální bankou, pak je veskrze rozumné držet skromný díl portfolia ve zlatě coby ochraně proti mimořádným událostem.
Indeed, it seems as if everyone in the Kremlin is reading Carl Schmitt, the Nazi legal theorist who taught that naming your enemy is the central mission of politics.
Dokonce to vypadá, jako by všichni v Kremlu četli nacistického právního teoretika Carla Schmitta, který učil, že pojmenování nepřítele je stěžejním úkolem politiky.
But if your instincts betray you, you go back to even deeper ones.
Pokud vás však zradí instinkty, uchýlíte se k instinktům ještě hlubším.
As the old saying goes: Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
Jak se říká v Americe: nepočítej kuřata dříve, než se vylíhnou.
Turkey has been given what looks like an ultimatum from the EU Commission: open your ports for ships from Cyprus within a month, or you may risk a halt to the EU accession talks now underway.
Turecku bylo Evropskou komisí předloženo cosi, co připomíná ultimátum: otevřete do měsíce své přístavy pro lodi z Kypru, jinak můžete riskovat zastavení probíhajících rozhovorů o přistoupení k EU.
At a red light in New York, a squeegee kid or two might approach your car; in Accra, a stopped car is immediately surrounded by a virtual supermarket.
Když v New Yorku zastavíte na červenou, stane se někdy, že se přihrne jedno či dvě děti a umyjí vám okno; v Akkře stojící auto okamžitě obklopí virtuální supermarket.
The government, Milton Friedman and others argued, told the poor: make more money and we will take away your free housing, food stamps, and income support.
Vláda, tvrdili Milton Friedman a další, říká chudým: vydělejte víc peněz a my vám sebereme bezplatné bydlení, potravinové lístky a podporu.
It didn't matter what you could see with your own eyes.
Na tom, co jste viděli na vlastní oči, vůbec nezáleželo.
First, your own eyes and your reason would surely tell you before long that the communist idyll - the withering away of the state and the triumph over need - would never come.
Zaprvé, na vlastní oči záhy uvidíte a vlastním rozumem zanedlouho pochopíte, že komunistická idyla - uvadnutí státu a triumf nad nouzí - nikdy nepřijde.
First, your own eyes and your reason would surely tell you before long that the communist idyll - the withering away of the state and the triumph over need - would never come.
Zaprvé, na vlastní oči záhy uvidíte a vlastním rozumem zanedlouho pochopíte, že komunistická idyla - uvadnutí státu a triumf nad nouzí - nikdy nepřijde.
How does your brain form its most significant memories?
Jak mozek zaznamenává své nejvýraznější vzpomínky?
These are memories in the sense that they cause your body to respond in a particular way as a result of past experiences.
Jsou to vzpomínky v tomu smyslu, že nutí tělo určitým způsobem reagovat v důsledku dřívějších zážitků a zkušeností.
I am writing you in the hope that you will take time from your busy schedule as Israel's acting Prime Minister to hear one Palestinian's hopes.
Píši Vám v naději, že si ve svém nabitém programu zastupujícího ministerského předsedy Izraele najdete čas, abyste vyslechl, v co doufá jeden Palestinec.
Even though your ascension to the position of Prime Minister came in an awkward way because of Ariel Sharon's stroke, I believe that you have an opportunity to be part of a historic reconciliation.
Ačkoli k Vašemu nástupu na post premiéra došlo nepříjemným způsobem kvůli mozkové příhodě Ariela Šarona, věřím, že máte příležitost stát se součástí historického usmíření.

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