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Translation throb in Czech

How do you say throb in Czech?

Examples throb in Czech examples

How do I translate throb into Czech?

Movie subtitles

With a throb in his voice. - Thank you, Erica, thank you. - It'll be touching.
Děkuji, Erico, děkuji.
The throb of the motor.
Hukot motoru.
Because I love to see those veins in your temple throb.
Protože se strašně ráda dívám, jak ti nabíhají žíly na spáncích.
Oh, I've made those veins in your temple throb.
ti nabíhají žíly na spáncích.
For the pleasure you'll give me. drop by drop. just by. letting your veins throb.inside me.
Po radosti, kterou mi dáš. po kapkách. prostě tím.že necháš své žíly tepat.uvnitř .
Oh, the throb!
se pozvracím!
The dimly remembered throb of drums in the night, or the white hoarfrost of an early morn against the gleaming, sinuous muscle of the jungle night.
Dedicne zapamatovany zvuk Bubnu v noci, nebo chladu namrazy po ranu 564 00:41:56,680 -- 00:41:59,752 oproti zhave noci v dzungli. To mne nemuzete udelat.
This bite is startin' to throb.
To kousnutí začíná pulsovat.
British pop throb. You know?
Popařskej kňoura.
The throb. sways my heart.
Tančí. a tluče srdce.
I will give in to the ecstasy. of the throb. that sways my heart, my soul.
Tančit budeme v extázi..
We must not fear the final result of this war, but many a loved one will fall and many a heart throb with anguish before we can breathe the exhilarating atmosphere of freedom and feel the sweet assurance of safety and peace once more.
Nestrachujme se o výsledek války, mnoho našich milovaných padne a mnoho lidí bude truchlit, než se nadechneme v radostné atmosféře svobody a znovu pocítíme sladkou jistotu bezpečí a míru.
Angel Andrade became the top heart throb.
Angel Andrade stal se vrcholným tepajícím srdcem.
The entire area of my fucking asshole is now one gigantic fucking throb.
Teď mi celá prdel bije na poplach.

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