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spoj Czech

Translation spoj translation

How do I translate spoj from Czech into English?

Synonyms spoj synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as spoj?

Examples spoj examples

How do I use spoj in a sentence?

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Spoj s Šanghají.
Say, get me Shanghai.
Spoj se s Bradfordem a řekni mu, že víš, kde se ukrývám a pošli ho za mnou.
Get in touch with Bradford, tell him you know where I'm hiding and send him to me.
Spoj s mým právníkem, prosím.
Say, get my lawyer on the phone, will you?
Bohužel ne. Ale náš pravidelný letecký spoj s poštou napojení na loď do New Yorku.
But our regular mail plane connects with a clipper for America.
Zkus druhý spoj.
Try the other circuit.
Zkoušíme jiný spoj.
We're trying the other circuit.
Pro je to Jižní expres, jediný spoj k domovu.
To me it's the Southern Express, the only thing I have of home.
Spoj z Londýna měl zpoždění.
She was delayed in London.
Spoj je s Wickershamem a pověz mu, že přijmu 6 milionů za West Coast chain.
Wile Wickelsham and tell him I'll take 6 million lo! that West Coast chain.
Jestli ano, spoj s Rogersem.
If that's it, let me talk to Rogers.
Tak běž zpátky a zapni ji a spoj mne s velitelstvím.
Then get back and work it and connect me with the C.P.
Done, nevím, kde budu, takže jakmile přistanete na Orly, spoj se s dispečerem.
Don, I don't know where I'll be, so as soon as you land at Orly, get in touch with the dispatcher.
Spoj se s Nickem Gandim v Los Angeles.
Send a wire to Nick Gandi in Los Angeles.
Spoj se s nimi a zjisti situaci.
Get in touch with them. See what the situation is.

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