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epocha Czech

Translation epocha translation

How do I translate epocha from Czech into English?

epocha Czech » English

epoch age time period era date term century aeon

Synonyms epocha synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as epocha?

Inflection epocha inflection

How do you inflect epocha in Czech?

epocha · noun


Examples epocha examples

How do I use epocha in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Každý den nastává nová epocha.
Each day is a milestone.
Epocha renesance.
The Renaissance.
Tahle epocha je za námi.
That part of our life is over.
otevřeme tento tunel, započne nová epocha.
Moments from now this tunnel will open.
skončí tahle epocha, Ieyasu bude vládnout jako shogun v Edo.
When this era ends, Ieyasu will rule as Shogun in Edo.
Všichni se radovali, že je konečně po všem. Pro Ignatze to ale znamenalo, že padla liberální monarchie. Skončila pro něj velká epocha.
Everyone was overjoyed that the war was over. and yet Ignatz felt that a great time had passed. because the liberal empire that had given him so much had collapsed.
Epocha lidstva je u konce.
The time of man has ended.
Že Federace bude poražena a v kvadrantu alfa započne nová epocha míru a prosperity.
That the Federation will be conquered and a new era of peace and prosperity will blanket the Alpha Quadrant.
Bude to epocha lidstva. které bojuje za něco čistého a správneho!
It's gonna be the age of humankind. standing up for something pure and something right!
Každá epocha sní o svém nástupci.
Every epoch dreams its successor.
Ano, byla to opravdu slavná epocha v historii amerického lidu.
Yes, it was a glorious time to be an American.
Epocha ignorantů.
The age of the profane.
Epocha nesnesitelné nízkosti existence.
The age of unbearably Philistine existence.
Životní tempo se zrychlí. Nastane moderní epocha.
The pace of life will quicken, we will join the modern age!

News and current affairs

Tato epocha ale končí, neboť ceny energií rostou a běloruská ekonomika čelí šokům, které by mohly vyvolat nepokoje a Lukašenka ohrozit.
But that time is ending, with energy prices rising and the Belarusian economy facing shocks that could provoke unrest and pose a threat to Lukashenko.
Tyto hlasy jsou stále slyšet, jejich síla však den ode dne slábne, neboť končí jedna významná epocha ruské historie.
Those voices matter, but less every day. For an epoch in Russia's history is ending.
Tato epocha v roce 2000 skončila a se nevrátí.
That epoch came to an end in 2000, and will not return.

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