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vjezd Czech

Meaning vjezd meaning

What does vjezd mean in Czech?


entry místo určené pro vjíždění (dovnitř) děj, při němž někdo někam vjíždí; průběh vjíždění; možnost vjet

Translation vjezd translation

How do I translate vjezd from Czech into English?

Synonyms vjezd synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as vjezd?

Inflection vjezd inflection

How do you inflect vjezd in Czech?

vjezd · noun


Examples vjezd examples

How do I use vjezd in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

A prosím popojeď s ním trochu, blokuje vjezd k soudu.
And you're asked very politely to move. It's blocking the entrance of the court.
Torpédoborec Zebra se přemisťuje a bude blokovat vjezd do přístavu.
The destroyer Zebra is moving into position to block the harbour entrance.
Zde je vjezd do přístavu, na obou stranách je ozbrojená posádka.
This is the harbour entrance, guns on either side.
Pinkley hlídá vjezd.
Pinkley stays out in the drive.
budu krýt vjezd do města a ty zajistíš druhou stranu, jo?
I'll cover the entrance to the village, you cover the other side, got it?
Hledáme vjezd do San Quentinu.
We were looking for the entrance to San Quentin.
Proč radši potmě nepodlézt pár plotů, když o kilometr dál je krásný vjezd.
It's not easy if you insist on climbing through fences in the dark. when there's a perfectly good gate half a mile up the road.
Omlouvám se za ten prach kolem, ale stavbaři nám dnes dodělali nový vjezd.
Oh, look, I'm sorry about all the dust all over your bushes. But the builders just finished my new driveway today.
Ničíš tady vjezd.
You're wrecking the driveway.
Objeďte to a ujistěte se, že toto je jediný vjezd i výjezd.
Cruise the perimeter. Make sure this is the only way in and out.
Minuly jste vjezd?
Somebody missed the off-ramp!
Márnice nemá vjezd. Mrtvoly vozí přes pohotovost.
The morgue doesn't have its own ramp, so all DOA's come through emergency.
Vjezd do přístavního prostoru z R-4.
Approaching docking bay from R-4.
Někdo by měl opravit ten vjezd.
Somebody should look at those shocks.

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