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vhodit Czech

Synonyms vhodit synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as vhodit?

vhodit Czech » Czech

zahodit hodit

Conjugation vhodit conjugation

How do you conjugate vhodit in Czech?

vhodit · verb

Examples vhodit examples

How do I use vhodit in a sentence?

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Jediné, co musíte udělat, vhodit 15 a nebo více Centů. Do tohohle nočníku pro dámy.
All you gotta do is drop a love offering of 15 cents or more in this little lady's thunder mug.
Můžu ho vhodit ?
Can I put it in?
Bylo by to pro ni velmi ponižující, vhodit ručník před veřejností.
It'd be really embarrassing for her to throw in her towel in public.
Ale stačí tam vhodit kámen, a celý obraz se změní, podívejte.
But drop in a single stone and see how the pattern changes.
A teď, mám tu čest vhodit první svitek obnovy do ohně.
And now, I have the honour of placing the first Renewal Scroll into the fire.
Stačí vhodit semhle minci.
Just put a coin in here.
Moji páni, neměli jste vhodit míč do hry?
My lords, were you not supposed to put the ball into play?
Vhodit je všechny do moře!
Throw 'em in the sea for all I care!
Vhodit do černé díry?
Drop it in a black hole?
Určitě jsem zaslechla, jak Phil navrhnul vhodit tam Juniora. - Juniora?
I do believe I heard Phil suggest throwing Junior in.
Musíš tam vhodit víc mincí.
Ah, you have to put more coins in.
Patrick si přišel promluvit..ale musel něco vhodit do vína.. protože sem se začala cítit ospalá.
Patrick came over to talk but he must have slipped something into the wine because I started to feel sleepy.
Každému, kdo se chce do turnaje přihlásit, stačí napsat jméno na kus pergamenu a vhodit ho do plamenů nejpozději do čtvrtka do této hodiny.
Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night.
Musíš se vhodit do Jeho proudu.
You have to throw yourself into His stream.

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