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rozdat Czech

Translation rozdat translation

How do I translate rozdat from Czech into English?

Synonyms rozdat synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as rozdat?

Conjugation rozdat conjugation

How do you conjugate rozdat in Czech?

rozdat · verb

Examples rozdat examples

How do I use rozdat in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Několik mužů v baru se na Toma rozzlobilo a Tom jim řekl, že se nebojí si to s nimi rozdat.
Several men got angry with Tom in the bar and Tom told them he wasn't afraid to take them on.

Movie subtitles

Chceš si to rozdat?
Sneaking up on me, eh? Why.
Mám ti rozdat?
Shall I deal you in?
Ještě jdu večer rozdat trochu peněz a to bude vše.
I'll go down tonight and give them a little money, and that winds it up.
Musí se znova rozdat karty.
Looks like they'll have to shuffle the pack and deal again.
Byl v skvělém rozmaru, a nařídil rozdat vašim lidem dary.
He hath been in unusual pleasure, and sent forth great largess to your offices.
Tak si to s ním běž rozdat.
Then go in there and take a punch at him.
Rozdat karty!
Deal cards!
Člověk musí umět rozdat karty.
It's all in knowing how to deal.
Komu mám ještě rozdat?
That hurts me.
Hele, paďoure, chceš si to rozdat na sto metrů o pivo?
Okay, square. You want to drag Johnny here 100 yards for beers?
Musel sis to s nimi rozdat, co?
You had to start slugging, didn't you?
Pane, mohu rozdat sladkosti z kantýny?
Sir, shall I liberate more candy from the canteen?
Zahoď bouchačku a pojď si to rozdat!
Take off them guns and let's have it out!
Rozdat si to pěstma?
Afraid to use plain skin?

News and current affairs

Nebezpečí tkví v tom, že dočasná správa může rozdat smlouvy subjektům s dobrými styky ve Washingtonu nebo bohaté pozápadnělé bagdádské elitě, která si zajistí své pohodlí, je u vlády kdokoli.
The danger is that the interim administration may hand out contracts to those well connected in Washington or the rich westernized Baghdad elite that gets cozy with whatever government is in power.
První metou by mělo být během čtyř let rozdat všem chudým na africkém venkově insekticidy napuštěné moskytiéry s dlouhou životností.
The first goal should be to distribute long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets to all of Africa's rural poor within four years.

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