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ovinout Czech

Meaning ovinout meaning

What does ovinout mean in Czech?


wind, wrap obtočit (naněkolikrát) vláknem nebo kusem látky

Translation ovinout translation

How do I translate ovinout from Czech into English?

ovinout Czech » English

fold wreathe wrap twine enlace

Synonyms ovinout synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as ovinout?

Conjugation ovinout conjugation

How do you conjugate ovinout in Czech?

ovinout · verb

Examples ovinout examples

How do I use ovinout in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Mohli bychom ovinout pana Collinse. Je to tak nudný patron.
We could put it around Mr. Collins when he grows too much of a bore.
Nedokáži se kolem něj ovinout.
I cannot link his body to mine.
Musí je kolem těch jeho ovinout.
She'd have to wrap hers around his.
Chci ovinout jazykem jako h.
I want to slide my tongue around you lik e a s.
Jerry chci ovinout jazykem jako had.
Jerry I want to slide my tongue around you like a snake.
Je třeba tu paži ovinout a dát do závěsu, dokud nesplaskne otok.
The arm should be wrapped and put in a sling till the swelling goes down.
Chci ovinout ruce kolem nějakého nevinného krku a cítit jak praskne.
I wanna wrap my hands around some innocent neck and feel it crack.
tu budeš hotov chci aby si šel dovnitř a našel , protože chci ovinout okolo tebe chapadla.
When you're done here. I want you to come inside and find me. 'cause I wanna wrap my little tentacles around you.
Miluju zvířata a jsem fakt sexy. Jsem fakt partie, víš, pokud bys mohla ovinout svou ručku kolem mého zvětšeného selhávajícího srdce závislého na tekutých lécích.
I love animals and I'm hot.I'm a catch, you know, if you can wrap your head around the enlarged, failing heart and the dependency to I.V. Meds.
Ovinout kolem někoho ruce.
Just someone his arms around you Having.
Šly by ovinout kolem celýho ocasu.
You could wrap your whole cock around them.
Jedna noha natažená, druhá ohnutá. takže tam můžete vklouznout a ona kolem vás může bezpečně ovinout nohu.
One leg straight, the other bent, so that you can slide into place and she can wrap her leg securely around you.
Může jen truchlit a ovinout ji svým pláštěm.
He can only grieve, and bind her in his cloak.
Mohl jsem snadno ovinout prsty okolo Eungyina kotníku.
Eungyo's ankle I could easily wrap my fingers around it.

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