flirt Czech
Translation flirt translation
How do I translate flirt from Czech into English?
Synonyms flirt synonyms
What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as flirt?
Inflection flirt inflection
How do you inflect flirt in Czech?
flirt · noun
Singular flirt masculine inanimate gender
Nominative kdo? co? flirt masculine inanimate gender
Genitive koho? čeho? bez flirtu
Dative komu? čemu? k flirtu
Accusative koho? co? pro flirt
Vocative flirte!
Locative o kom? o čem? o flirtu
Instrumental kým? čím? s flirtem
Plural flirty masculine inanimate gender
Nominative kdo? co? flirty masculine inanimate gender
Genitive koho? čeho? bez flirtů
Dative komu? čemu? k flirtům
Accusative koho? co? pro flirty
Vocative flirty!
Locative o kom? o čem? o flirtech
Instrumental kým? čím? s flirty
Examples flirt examples
How do I use flirt in a sentence?
Movie subtitles
The flirt.
Byl to jen nevinný flirt, ale pak ztratil hlavu.
It was just a harmless flirtation, and then, well, he lost his head.
Chci od vás víc než flirt.
I want more than flirting from you.
Na flirt s odloženým manželem už je pozdě.
It's pretty late to start flirting with a discarded husband.
Miluje ji, nebo je to jen flirt?
Is he in love with her, or is this merely a transitory amour?
Je to jen drobný, milý flirt.
She's just a sweet little flirt.
Přísahám, byl to jen flirt, přechodná záležitost.
I swear to you, it was just a lark! A passing little affair! I never meant it to.
Flirt Madeleine Doinelové zašel dosti daleko, když se z něj po 9 měsících narodil Oscar.
Madeleine Doinel's flirtation had an aftermath.
Zaslouží si víc než flirt s ženatým chlapem.
She deserves more than a fling with a married guy.
Jenom takový flirt, to je všechno.
He's a laugh, that's all.
Já znát chtít kafé, volat servírka, - sexy flirt s dívka a takové věci.
I can order coffee, deal with waiters, make sexy chit-chat with girls, that type of thing.
Tak hraji Flirt.
I wanted to be,But they wouldn't let me play a man.So,instead,I play flirt.
Being a flirt?
Zbožňuju flirt.
I love a flirt.
flirt English
Translation flirt in Czech
How do you say flirt in Czech?
Examples flirt in Czech examples
How do I translate flirt into Czech?
Movie subtitles
The flirt.
Suppose I flirt with them and they come to my room. Then what?
Budu s nimi flirtovat a dostanu je do svého pokoje.
Eat, sleep, loaf around. flirt a little, dance a little.
Jí, spí, poflakuje, trochu flirtuje a tančí.
Did he flirt with you?
Flirtoval s tebou?
Men flirt with girls like that, but they don't marry them.
Muži s takovými flirtují, ale neberou si je.
Must you flirt?
Musíte flirtovat?
Some men think it's their duty to flirt with women.. whenevertheyhavethe chance.
Někteří muži se snaží flirtovat se ženami, kdykoliv mají příležitost.
You are a big flirt, aren't you?
Ty ráda koketuješ, viď?
If I remember, you were a very clumsy flirt, but I liked that.
I na tvé neobratné námluvy. Bylo to však hezké.
She's a flirt trying to get ahead by using you.
Flirtuje s tebou, aby tě využila.
I've already asked you not to flirt with me.
Prosila jsem tě, abys se mnou neflirtoval.
Do the young French girls flirt like that?
Flirtují takhle francouzské dívky?
You are not to flirt with Paul. I forbid it.
Zakazuji ti flirtovat s Paulem.
She can to the social clubs on Wednesday nights. and giggle and flirt as good as any of them.
Může chodit každou středu do klubu. a koketovat tam s chlapci, jako každá jiná.
News and current affairs
At the moment, there is no need to support periphery-country bonds, especially if it would flirt with illegality.
V tuto chvíli není zapotřebí podporovat dluhopisy zemí na okraji eurozóny, zvláště pokud by to hraničilo s nezákonností.
Will the new government follow responsible economic policies, or will Bolivia flirt yet again with destabilizing populist measures, as it has done so often in the past?
Bude nová vláda uskutečňovat zodpovědné hospodářské politiky, nebo si Bolívie bude opět zahrávat s destabilizačními populistickými opatřeními, jak už v minulosti učinila mnohokrát?
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