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coil English

Translation coil in Czech

How do you say coil in Czech?

Examples coil in Czech examples

How do I translate coil into Czech?

Movie subtitles

I'll coil your rope for you!
Dám vám za vyučenou!
Ay, there's the rub for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil.
Á, v tom je právě háček! To, jaké sny by se nám mohly zdát v tom spánku smrti, se těla zbudem.
Ay, there's the rub, for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause.
V tom je háček. Jaké sny ze spánku smrti vzejdou, když odmrštíme pouto smrtelné. To nás zaráží.
The coil-spring made me a hole here!
To péro mi udělalo díru!
Wife, squaw. I took the liberty of borrowing a few feet of rope off of that coil in the lean-to.
Ženu, squaw. Vzal jsem si pár stop lana z toho kola v kůlně.
They're missing a coil of copper wire and some metal parts.
Chybí jim cívka měďeného drátu a nějaké kovové součásti.
They're men with itchy fingers and a coil of rope around their saddle horns, looking for somebody to hang.
Chlapi, co je svrbí prsty, mají u sedla provaz a hledají, koho by pověsili.
Coil that warp.
Tak smotej to lano.
Ay, there's the rub, for in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil?
Tady je odpověď. Jaké sny zjevují se po smrti, když vyvlékli jsme se z tělesných pout?
Here's such a coil!
toho mám dost!
And the coil.
A tu cívku.
I'm going to try throwing this coil over that machine in there, if I can get close enough to it without being killed.
Pokusím se to hodit na ten stroj, pokud se dostanu dost blízko, aniž by zabil.
If all goes well, it. should set up an electric current in the coil. alternating on much the same frequency as the Beta rhythms of the human brain.
Když to bude fungovat, tak by to mělo poslat elektrický proud do cívky. alternující ho na v podstatě stejnou frekvenci jako Beta rytmy lidského mozku.
If I can step up the voltage in that coil, then.
Pokud bych dovedl vystupňovat napětí v cívce, tak..

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