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Flora Czech

Translation Flora translation

How do I translate Flora from Czech into English?

Flora Czech » English


Examples Flora examples

How do I use Flora in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Flora starost o Griffina.
Flora's worried about Griffin.
To je doktor Cranley a Flora.
It's Dr Cranley and Flora.
Flora měla veliké obavy. - Jak jsem jen mohl zapomenout?
Flora was nearly mad with anxiety.
Je tady Flora?
Is Flora there?
Cítím se jako Bonnie Prince Charlie a vy jste Flora MacDonals.
I feel like Bonnie Prince Charlie. You must be Flora MacDonald.
Slečna Flora vybrala kostel a mám být svědek.
Miss Flora has selected the church already. and I'm to be best man.
Jelikož paní Flora Angelini,..
Since Mrs. Flora Angelini,..
Kromě toho, paní Flora Angelini měla dítě, které bylo velmi nemocné.
In addition, Mrs. Flora Angelini had a child who, poor thing, was very ill.
Sudička Flora, sudička Fauna a sudička Radoslava.
Mistress Flora, Mistress Fauna. and Mistress Merryweather!
Teta Flora, Fona a Radoslava.
Aunt Flora and Fauna and Merryweather.
Po několik let. měli Miles a Flora,. roztomilá jména, nemyslíte?
For several years now. little Miles and Flora. Charming names, don't you think. have had only me.
Děti ji měly celkem rády, hlavně malá Flora.
The children quite liked her, especially little Flora.
Mezitím můj synovec musel být poslán do školy. a to malé děvče, Flora, je pod dohledem mojí domovnice. paní Groseové.
Meantime, my nephew had to be sent off to school. and the little girl, Flora, is being chaperoned by my housekeeper. Mrs. Grose.
Cožpak se nejmenuješ Flora?
Isn't your name Flora?

flora English

Translation Flora in Czech

How do you say Flora in Czech?

Flora English » Czech


Examples Flora in Czech examples

How do I translate Flora into Czech?

Movie subtitles

He's had our two sailors so busy. chasing around the woods after flora and fauna. that we haven't seen them for three days.
Nechal naše dva námořníky běhat po lese za všelijakou faunou a florou, takže jsme je tři dny neviděli.
I wish you'd leave me alone, Flora, when I'm working.
Nechej o samotě, Floro, pracuji.
Flora's worried about Griffin.
Flora starost o Griffina.
He cares nothing for you, Flora.
Vůbec mu na tobě nezáleží, Floro.
Flora, dear.
Floro, drahá.
Leave me alone, Flora, please.
Nech o samotě, Floro, prosím.
But, Flora, he's not normal.
Je nemocný.
It's Dr Cranley and Flora.
To je doktor Cranley a Flora.
Flora was nearly mad with anxiety.
Flora měla veliké obavy. - Jak jsem jen mohl zapomenout?
I shall see Flora. Alone.
Setkám se s Florou o samotě.
He wants to see Flora alone.
Chce se setkat jen s Florou.
No, Flora, don't.
Floro, ne.
Kemp and I. Keep away, Flora.
Kemp a . Nechoď tam, Floro.
Doctor, he was a different man when he saw Flora leave the car.
Doktore, úplně se změnil, když uviděl Floru vystupovat z auta.

News and current affairs

The spread of foreign species of flora and fauna to new areas has wiped out native species, and may result in economic losses of several hundred billion dollars per year.
Šíření nepůvodních živočišných a rostlinných druhů do nových oblastí zase vyhubilo domorodé druhy a způsobuje ekonomické ztráty ve výši možná několika set miliard dolarů ročně.

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