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florbal Czech

Translation florbal translation

How do I translate florbal from Czech into English?

florbal Czech » English

floorball field hockey

Inflection florbal inflection

How do you inflect florbal in Czech?

florbal · noun


Examples florbal examples

How do I use florbal in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Do všech školek, do družiny. na florbal, na plavání, na koně, do houslí.
They go to daycare. to hockey and swimming and riding and violin lessons.
Nesnáším florbal a všechny další sporty.
I hate playing bandy and all sports.
Každý pondělí v šest večer hrajeme florbal.
Oh, Monday evenings at six we play floorball in the gym.
Tomu se říká florbal.
Is called field hockey.
Takže je to jako florbal, akorát hokejky mají síťku.
So it's like field hockey, except the sticks have nets.
Hraju fantasy florbal.
I play fantasy floorball.

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