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černat Czech

Translation černat translation

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Conjugation černat conjugation

How do you conjugate černat in Czech?

černat · verb

Examples černat examples

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Ano, to zrcadlo začalo fakt černat.
You idiot, it was just starting to work.
Jak chcete. Ale pozor, aby mu to nezačalo černat protože jinak to bude konec.
As you say, but you watch out green rot don't get started on him, 'cause once it does, it's over.
Žíly mu začínají černat.
Them veins is blackenin' all the way up to his armpit.
Postupně začala Traversovi černat noha.
Then the walk began Travers to become black.
Nemohl jsem si nevšimnout, ale je, uh, začíná černat.
Couldn't help noticing it's, uh, it's beginning to oxidize.
Začíná se to tu černat, dnes, jedeme do.
It's about to get bubonic in here, for tonight, we're going to.
A když ho vyndala, tak začalo srdce černat, Davide, kvůli tomu, co jsem udělala.
And when she took it out, my heart, David. it had started to blacken because of what I did.
Chtěla jsem každého z nich, ale výběr jednoho znamenal ztrátu všech ostatních, a jak jsem tam seděla bez rozhodnutí, fíky se začaly krabatit a černat.
I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black.

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