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sock English

Translation sock in Czech

How do you say sock in Czech?

Examples sock in Czech examples

How do I translate sock into Czech?

Simple sentences

There is a hole in his sock.
v ponožce díru.
There is a hole in his sock.
Jeho ponožka je děravá.
There's a hole in my sock.
Mám díru v ponožce.
There's a hole in my sock.
Mám děravou ponožku.

Movie subtitles

Get fresh with me and I'll sock you in that little nose of yours.
Měj námitky a dostaneš jednu do nosíku.
When it gets to 20, I'll sock you in the nose.
jich bude 20, dám vám jednu do nosu.
I should sock you in that funny nose.
Dát jednu i tobě, do nosu.
You looking for a sock on the button?
Chceš jednu do nosu?
I'll make more actors, but this time I'll sock my money away so hard they'll have to blast to find enough to buy a newspaper.
Proslavím víc herců, ale tentokrát budu tak šetřit, že se budou honit, aby měli aspoň na noviny.
What you need is a good sock on the nose.
Potřebujete jednu do nosu.
I always wear it out in the open so if anybody wants to take a sock at it, they can.
Neskrývám ho, takže. jestli do něj někdo chce praštit, může.
A dip and sock, into your mouth.
Jen ponořit a šup do pusy.
I got news to take a sock at you.
Asi vám jednu vrazím.
She needs a guy that'd sock her once a day whether it's coming to her or not.
Potřebovala by někoho, kdo by každý den jednu vrazil.
You're gonna nail me every time I step out of line and sock me to the limit.
Zařadíš zpátky. Pokaždé když vykročím z davu.
Look, sock it right there, will ya?
Vrazíte mi jednu přímo sem?
Sock it hard.
Vrazte mi ji tvrdě.
Go ahead. Sock away.
Vražte mi jednu.

News and current affairs

Paying someone else to fold your socks is a way to maximize your own earnings and those of the sock folder.
Zaplatit někomu za to, že vám složí ponožky, je způsob jak maximalizovat výdělky sobě i skladači ponožek.

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