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sebeúcta Czech

Meaning sebeúcta meaning

What does sebeúcta mean in Czech?


self-respect, self-esteem úcta k sobě samému

Translation sebeúcta translation

How do I translate sebeúcta from Czech into English?

Synonyms sebeúcta synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as sebeúcta?

sebeúcta Czech » Czech

sebedůvěra hrdost důstojnost

Inflection sebeúcta inflection

How do you inflect sebeúcta in Czech?

sebeúcta · noun


Examples sebeúcta examples

How do I use sebeúcta in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Udržela ti sebeúcta práci ci napsala sloupek?
Did your self-respect hold your job or give you a new column?
Moje sebeúcta.
My self-respect.
Aspoň ti zůstane sebeúcta a důstojnost.
At least it leaves you with some self-respect and some dignity.
Co loajalita, čest, sebeúcta?
What of loyalty? Honour?
Kde je tvoje sebeúcta?
Yeah, and just where's your self-respect, huh?
Tady, tady je sebeúcta!
You want to see my self-respect? Here! Here's my self-respect.
Sebeúcta proniká do všech částí vašeho života.
Self-respect permeates every aspect of your lives.
V sázce je sebeúcta a pověst. - Nemám jinou možnost.
My self-respect and reputation are at stake it's the only way.
Sebeúcta k tělu a mysli.
Respect his body and his mind.
Říká se tomu nízká sebeúcta.
It's called low self-esteem.
Společná je sebeúcta.
The connection is self-respect.
sebeúcta se zhoupla úplně na dno.
My self-esteem is rock bottom.
Sebeúcta, Johne. - Sebeúcta.
Self-esteem, John. - Self-esteem.
Sebeúcta, Johne. - Sebeúcta.
Self-esteem, John. - Self-esteem.

News and current affairs

Je-li tomu tak, potom je klíčovou podmínkou sebeúcta, která vyplývá z toho, že si své záležitosti uspořádáme sami, a to jak individuálně, tak kolektivně.
If so, then a key condition must be the self-respect that comes from working things out for ourselves, individually and collectively.
Hrdost, důstojnost a sebeúcta v ekonomické teorii nefigurují: nelze je měřit.
Pride, dignity, and self-confidence do not figure in economic theory: they cannot be measured.

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