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rutina Czech

Meaning rutina meaning

What does rutina mean in Czech?


routine opakovaná činnost bez obměn a nutnosti nadměrně přemýšlet

Translation rutina translation

How do I translate rutina from Czech into English?

rutina Czech » English

routine rut groove cmdlet

Synonyms rutina synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as rutina?

Inflection rutina inflection

How do you inflect rutina in Czech?

rutina · noun


Examples rutina examples

How do I use rutina in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Jsme na to tak zvyklí, že je to rutina.
We're so used to it, it's getting monotonous.
Policejní rutina.
Strictly routine.
Nebude to rutina ani pro ty, kteří jsou na to vycvičení.
It won't be routine, not even for the kids who are trained.
Teď je to více méně rutina.
Well, of course, it is more or less routine now.
Vetšinou to byla rutina.
Routine, most of it.
Je to jen rutina, chápete, jinak bych vás neobtěžoval.
Just routine, you understand, otherwise I wouldn't trouble you.
Ranní rutina.
The morning routine.
Zase jedna kuchyňská krize. Prostě běžná rutina.
Another kitchen crisis, but that's routine.
Jinak je to jen rutina.
After that, it's all mechanics.
Pouhá rutina.
Routine. Pure routine.
Jen rutina.
Just routine.
It's routine.
Ne, pouhá rutina.
No, just routine.
Byla to jen rutina.
It was only a routine matter after all.

News and current affairs

Ačkoliv naplňování tohoto cíle dosud mařila všední rutina obnovování právního stavu, bude na něj koalice muset nakonec navázat.
While progress towards this goal has been stymied by the mundane practicalities of restoring law and order, the coalition must eventually take it up.
Rutina zvyšuje banalitu a bezmyšlenkovitost; osobnost se vytrácí.
Routine increases banality and thoughtlessness; the personal disappears.
Avsak potřebu něčeho drasticky jiného a vyssího než předem připravená denní rutina inženýra a občana socialistického ráje to ve mně neumensilo.
Yet the need for something drastically different and higher than the framed daily routine of an engineer and a citizen of the socialist paradise did not diminish.

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