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policajt Czech

Meaning policajt meaning

What does policajt mean in Czech?


ob. policista; příslušník policie

Translation policajt translation

How do I translate policajt from Czech into English?

Synonyms policajt synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as policajt?

Examples policajt examples

How do I use policajt in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Vypadáš jako policajt.
You look like a cop.

Movie subtitles

Koukej, támhle je policajt.
Look, there's a cop right there.
Ne, určitě je to policajt.
No, that's definitely a cop.
Protože být policajt na Halloween, je to nejhorší.
Because Halloween is a horrible night to be a cop. That's why.
Ptáš se jako policajt.
You sound just like a policeman.
Ten policajt povolá kavalérii.
That guy will call all his cop friends.
Nechci, aby tam první policajt zastřelil.
I never ordered the first policeman to be shot.
Jestli jste policajt, zaťukejte znovu.
If it's a policeman, knock once more.
No to bych řek, dělá svou práci. Od toho je snad policajt, ne?
Sure, he's a cop, but he understands things.
Nejsem policajt.
I'm not a policeman.
Tohle není žádnej policajt.
This guy ain't no fed.
Policajt se sirénou a s celou parádou.
Cop chasing, the sirens, the whole works!
Likvidátor škod je lékař i lovecký pes, policajt i soudce..porota i farář, všechno v jednom.
A claims man is a doctor and a bloodhound and a cop and a judge and a jury and a father confessor, all in one.
Byl tam policajt a fůra lidí a hrozně se rozčiloval.
There was a policeman and a big crowd, and he was mad.
Pak přišel John Truett, uviděl tramvaj a snažil se nás udržet v kůlničce na dříví, aby nás ten policajt nenašel.
And when John Truett saw the streetcar he tried to make us stay in the woodshed so the policemen wouldn't get us.

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