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ohluchnout Czech

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ohluchnout Czech » Czech


Examples ohluchnout examples

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Z toho můžeš ohluchnout, víš.
That'll make you deaf, you know.
Děti by z toho mohly ohluchnout.
A noise like that could impair the kids' hearing.
Claudie Wilsonová, vy chcete ohluchnout?
Okay, Claudia Wilson. - are you trying to go deaf?
Ale i kdyby měl ohluchnout, tak nebude poslouchat.
Of course, he'd never listen to me. He wouldn't listen to me if he was going deaf tomorrow.
Chceš nechat ohluchnout.
I believe you're trying to make me deaf.
Chci ohluchnout jak o Pete Townshend.
I wanna go deaf, like Pete Townshend.
Protože zatím jsem stihla ohluchnout z kapely, nemám svoji tašku a celá nemocnice viděla slečnu Priscillu!
Because so far, I'm half deaf from a drum-line, I have no suitcase, and the entire hospital has seen Miss Priscilla!
Můžu z toho ohluchnout.
It's deafening.
Co když si propíchl bubínek? Mohl by ohluchnout.
What if he perfored his eardrum?
Může vagína ohluchnout?
Can a vagina go deaf?
Můžu taky ohluchnout a oněmět?
Could I go deaf or mute?
Jestli nechceš ohluchnout, tak jo.
Only if you care about your hearing.
Ohluchnout z techno hudby, být celou noc vzhůru, topit se v potu, a svítící tyčky!
Going deaf from techno music, staying up all night, and drowning in sweat, glow sticks!

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