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hallucination English

Translation hallucination in Czech

How do you say hallucination in Czech?

hallucination English » Czech

halucinace vidina přelud klam

Examples hallucination in Czech examples

How do I translate hallucination into Czech?

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You know, if one had time, one could trace the cause of the hallucination.
Kdybychom měli čas, mohli bychom původ halucinace stopovat.
But he was being ridiculous. This was a mere hallucination.
Ale nebuď směšný, jsou to jenom halucinace.
You see, I'm convinced I'm not suffering from any hallucination but that my guilt is very real.
Víte, nemám halucinace, vina je reálná.
In my opinion, Elwood P. Dowd is suffering from a third-degree hallucination.
Mým názorem je, že Elwood P. Dowd trpí halucinacemi třetího stupně.
Obviously. this is a case of self-induced hallucination.
Zřejmě je tento případ nějakou vsugerovanou halucinací.
You are a mirage, a hallucination, a phantasm.
Jste fantazie, přelud, fata morgana.
But how can that be, if it was all an hallucination?
Jak je to ale možné, jestliže to byla halucinace?
No, it was no hallucination!
Ne, to nebyla halucinace!
It's as if we're in the middle of a weird hallucination.
Je to jako bychom byli uprostřed nějaké zvláštní halucinace.
Or is it another hallucination?
Nebo je to snad další přelud?
You had a hallucination. I'll stay here tonight.
Byly to jen halucinace.
You realize that if even one event is proved to be a hallucination. then this whole experiment will be questioned.
Ale uvědomujete si, že pokud se i jediná událost prokáže být přeludem, pak celý tento experiment bude zpochybněn?
Hallucination or not, it was certainly real enough to you. - She was not a hallucination.
Jestli to byla halucinace nebo ne, pro tebe to byl reálný zážitek.

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