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flooring English

Translation flooring in Czech

How do you say flooring in Czech?

flooring English » Czech

podlahová plocha podlahovina podlaha zem

Examples flooring in Czech examples

How do I translate flooring into Czech?

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Inspect the walls and flooring for secret passageways.
Zjistěte, jestli sem nevedou tajné chodby.
The flooring of the cage is rough and hard.
Dno klece je moc tvrdé.
Like flooring adhesive.
Tak padám.
Have you got some flooring up there?
Máš tam materiál na podlahu?
Charlie's supposed to have the flooring up there for the men to work.
Charlie je potřeba donést ten materiál.
See this here? Flat flooring?
Rovná podlaha.
I mean, flat flooring's like. Once the wood gets old, you're just gonna fall right through it.
Ale jakmile dřevo zestárne, propadneš se přímo skrz.
A new heating and cooling system, retrofitting, imported pre-stressed l-beams, architectural flooring.
Topný a klimatizační systém, nové instalace, speciální traverzy z dovozu, zvláštní podlahová krytina.
I found this on the flooring my apartment.
A tohle jsem našel ležet na podlaze.
You've got pressure sensitive flooring, micro-targeted antigravity fields, infrared digi-cams. Zero-G security nanobots? That can't be good.
Je tady, na tlak, zacílené antigravitační pole, infračervené digi kamery, bezpečnostní nanoroboti z G0.
She was flooring it.
Plyn na podlaze.
If I can't isolate it, I'm gonna have to tear the whole flooring up.
Nejradši bych vytrhal tyhle pláty a dostal se k tomu.
I have staples holding my chest together, and they're pulling up the flooring in my house, because it's rotted with blood.
Mám tam jednu svorku vedle druhý a v mém domě mění všechny podlahy, protože jsou nasáklé krví.
The last thing they want is for me to call on a Friday night. so I can put in new flooring.
A určitě by nechtěly, abych jim volala v pátek v noci. kvůli své nové podlaze.

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