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cvakat Czech

Translation cvakat translation

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cvakat Czech » English

click chatter

Synonyms cvakat synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as cvakat?

Conjugation cvakat conjugation

How do you conjugate cvakat in Czech?

cvakat · verb

Examples cvakat examples

How do I use cvakat in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Když bude cvakat, bomby jsou na lodi.
If it starts clicking, the bombs are aboard.
Jak s nimi budeš cvakat, zapneš celý park.
You fool around with them, you'll turn on the whole amusement park.
Lidi budou cvakat za hříčku přírody!
People will pay to see freaky stuff!
Věděl jsem, že to mám, cítil jsem to v sobě cvakat.
But I knew it was there because I could hear it clicking away.
Přestaň cvakat, kurva!
Cut the fucking snaps!
Bude cvakat, to mi věř.
He'll cough up the scratch, believe me.
Ale tahle nenechá ve štychu, abych tam musel cvakat jak o život, - přede všema. - Jasný.
With this, you know, it's not going to leave me there fucking clicking, you know, standing there with a dick in my hand.
budu tlačit, ty budeš cvakat.
I'm supposed to be pushing, you're supposed to be clicking.
Ano, mohl bys prosím, prosím, prosím přestat cvakat těmi klouby.?
Yes, can you please, please, please stop cracking your knuckles?
Zrovna mám sucho v puse, takže teď nemůžu cvakat.
My mouth is dry, it's hard to click.
Moje čelisti přestali cvakat.
I mean, I'm more relaxed around him. My jaw stopped popping.
A jak mám cvakat na klávesnici bez prstů?
Except, how am I supposed to type without fingers?
Byla moje práce cvakat vypínačem, jestli víte co tím myslím?
I was an enforcer, right? It was my job to flip switches, you know what I'm saying?
Potom můj idiotský kamarád Matty začal cvakat vypínači, aby zjistil, jestli to funguje.
Next, my idiot friend Matty starts flipping light switches to see if they're working.

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