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Achilles Czech

Meaning Achilles meaning

What does Achilles mean in Czech?


postava starořecké mytologie; hlavní hrdina Homérova eposu Ílias; syn krále Pélea a bohyně Thetis

Translation Achilles translation

How do I translate Achilles from Czech into English?

Achilles Czech » English


Synonyms Achilles synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as Achilles?

Achilles Czech » Czech


Examples Achilles examples

How do I use Achilles in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Achilles, stále mrzutý a hrdý..
Achilles-- all my dead comrades.
Achilles byl poctěn vladařem smrtí.
Can death have any sting for you?
Naše křižníky Ajax, Achilles a Exeter bojují u břehů Uruguaye proti Graf Spee.
Our cruisers Ajax, Achilles and Exeter are in action off of Uruguay against the Graf Spee.
Ajax? Achilles?
Ajax, Achilles, Salvador, Exeter.
Ajax, Achilles, Salvador, Exeter, Punta Umbria, Cumberland.
Znám Achilles.
I know the Achilles.
Ajax, Achilles, Exeter.
Ajax, Achilles, Exeter.
Achilles, pane.
Achilles, sir.
Ajax a Achilles. zaútočí poblíž sebe a Exeter samostatně.
Ajax. and Achilles will attack in close company. Exeter will attack on her own.
Pane, Achilles pokládá kouřovou clonu.
Achilles turning under smoke, sir.
Vyšlete na Achilles: rychlost 30 uzlů.
George 30.
Ajax, Achilles a Exeter.
The Ajax, the Achilles and the Exeter.
Achilles, dívka s rumencem.
Achilles, a blushing girl.
Achilles si nevybudoval pověst praním s dětmi.
Achilles did not make his reputation fighting children.

Achilles English

Translation Achilles in Czech

How do you say Achilles in Czech?

Achilles English » Czech

Achilles Achilleus

Examples Achilles in Czech examples

How do I translate Achilles into Czech?

Movie subtitles

Achilles-- all my dead comrades.
Achilles, stále mrzutý a hrdý..
Achilles, still sour faced and brooding.
Co jiného jsi čekal od mrtvého muže?
Achilles must surely be honored as a mighty prince among the dead.
Ušetři útěchy, Ulysse.
Ah, but remember, my friends, even Tramp has his Achilles heel.
Ach, ale pamatuj si, přítelkyně, dokonce i Tramp svoji Achilovu patu.
Achilles heel, Pedro.
Achillova pata, Pedro.
Our cruisers Ajax, Achilles and Exeter are in action off of Uruguay against the Graf Spee.
Naše křižníky Ajax, Achilles a Exeter bojují u břehů Uruguaye proti Graf Spee.
Ajax? Achilles?
Ajax, Achilles, Salvador, Exeter, Punta Umbria, Cumberland.
Ajax, Achilles, Salvador, Exeter.
I know the Achilles.
Znám Achilles.
Ajax, Achilles, Exeter.
Ajax, Achilles, Exeter.
Achilles, sir.
Achilles, pane.
Ajax. and Achilles will attack in close company. Exeter will attack on her own.
Ajax a Achilles. zaútočí poblíž sebe a Exeter samostatně.
Achilles turning under smoke, sir.
Pane, Achilles pokládá kouřovou clonu.
She's firing at Achilles with her 5.9s now. Yeah.
To ho ochrání před 150mm děly.

News and current affairs

If more countries take this path, it could prove to be the Achilles' heel of non-proliferation.
Vydají-li se touto cestou další země, mohlo by se to ukázat jako Achillova pata nešíření.
Al Qaeda, too, has an interest in crippling Karzai's government and is happy to exploit its Achilles heel.
Také al-Kájdá zájem na zmrzačení Karzáího vlády a je ráda, může-li k tomu využít jeho Achillovu patu.
Here is Milosevic's Achilles heel.
A jsme u Miloševičovy Achillovy paty.
The battle with the judges may well prove to be Mubarak's Achilles' heel.
Z bitvy se soudci se může docela dobře stát Mubarakova Achillova pata.

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