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Achilova pata Czech

Translation Achilova pata translation

How do I translate Achilova pata from Czech into English?

Achilova pata Czech » English

Achilles heel

Examples Achilova pata examples

How do I use Achilova pata in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Vezu nějaký náklad pro starého Pata Foslera.
Yeah. I haul freight for old Pat Fosler.
Jedna pata byla zaštepovaná hedvábím v trochu jiném odstínu.
One of the heels had been darned with some silk that didn't quite match.
Pata Murphyho, prosím.
Pat Murphy, please.
Achillova pata, Pedro.
Achilles heel, Pedro.
A zvlášť jeho pata.
And especially his heel.
Napřed pata, potom špička.
First the heel, then the tip.
Zeptej se Pata, všech.
You ask Pat. Ask anyone.
Slyšels Pata Garretta?
You heard what Pat Garrett said?
Nebyla tam otištěna žádná pata.
There were no heel marks.
Jsem od Pata Jenningse.
I'm Pat Jennings' boy.
Achilova pata.
The Achilles' heel.
Achillova pata.
The Achilles' heel.
Moje Achillova pata je moje Achillova pata.
My Achilles heel is actually my Achilles heel.
Moje Achillova pata je moje Achillova pata.
My Achilles heel is actually my Achilles heel.

News and current affairs

Vydají-li se touto cestou další země, mohlo by se to ukázat jako Achillova pata nešíření.
If more countries take this path, it could prove to be the Achilles' heel of non-proliferation.
Z bitvy se soudci se může docela dobře stát Mubarakova Achillova pata.
The battle with the judges may well prove to be Mubarak's Achilles' heel.

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