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substantiate English

Meaning substantiate meaning

What does substantiate mean?


(= confirm, support) establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts his story confirmed my doubts The evidence supports the defendant solidify, firm, or strengthen The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country (= embody) represent in bodily form He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist make real or concrete; give reality or substance to our ideas must be substantiated into actions

Synonyms substantiate synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as substantiate?

Topics substantiate topics

What do people use substantiate to talk about?

Conjugation substantiate conjugation

How do you conjugate substantiate?

substantiate · verb

Examples substantiate examples

How do I use substantiate in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Prosecutors in court have to substantiate their claims in order to prove a suspect is guilty.

Movie subtitles

We have photographs to substantiate this little episode.
Can you substantiate your charge that Monsieur Garron had a motive in drugging you, and that the motive was Mademoiselle DuBois?
And furthermore the defense has yet to offer one concrete piece of evidence to substantiate this claim.
I'm prepared to substantiate that.
He will substantiate my memorandum as to the date and the discussion.
Can you substantiate this?
If you can't substantiate either agricultural.
I'm just trying to point out a few facts. to substantiate my story, like the blown safe I've shown you in the study. and like the dressing-up basket you found in the cellar.
She'll never be able to substantiate the charges.
I've done everything I can to substantiate your. your perceptions of a crew.
So, what you're telling us is that no one can substantiate this alleged break-in.
Is there anything, any detail, however small, that you can recall that would help us substantiate your version of events?
I can't substantiate it.
No. What exactly can you substantiate, Agent Scully?
We have photographs to substantiate this episode, and others of him jumping about a fire engine.
Can you substantiate it?
If their reply does not substantiate what you have told me, you will never leave this embassy alive.
Afraid I'll see something to substantiate that belief?
I'm just trying to point out a few facts to substantiate my story.
ELLER: Whereas you report that you'd graduated from high school well, we find no evidence to substantiate that.
Whereas you report that you'd graduated from high school well, we find no evidence to substantiate that.
Not one bit of evidence has been brought forth to substantiate those allegations.
We have all sorts of data that substantiate her abilities.
Well, General Cummings, our information doesn't substantiate the kind of opposition you've referred to.
I have no doubts regarding Number 25's abilities. We have all sorts of data that substantiate her abilities.
Is there anything any detail, however small, that you can recall that would help us substantiate your version of events?
I can't substantiate it. No.
What exactly can you substantiate, Agent Scully?
You can substantiate these accusations, surely?
There's nothing to substantiate that.
Don't you see what the A.D.A. is doing? She couldn't substantiate murder charges against my client, so she's shooting blind, seeing what sticks.
He can substantiate all of my client's testimony.
You can substantiate all this, Mosley?
We'll get other C.O.s to substantiate this if we have to, Officer Bellick, so I'm giving you one chance to get in front of it.
You're positive he's committed a crime with no evidence to substantiate it.
How are you able to substantiate your information?

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