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corollary English

Meaning corollary meaning

What does corollary mean?


(logic) an inference that follows directly from the proof of another proposition a practical consequence that follows naturally blind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love

Synonyms corollary synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as corollary?

Examples corollary examples

How do I use corollary in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Scott's theory has a corollary. that says consciousness exists separate from the time bounce.
I think you're forgetting Susan Harper's corollary.
I prefer the corollary.
Causation corollary.
Causatum corollary.
Garth Pancake, though a master of none, is a jack of all those trades corollary to our aim.
Then one might make a direct corollary with an art gallery.
Suggesting, as a corollary, that your skills for blackmail and manipulation. no longer are assets to you. and for your fatuous belief in their efficacy. in fact, have become liabilities.
Well, this is a corollary to that.
Lesson two, corollary five.
I'm not gonna scare the hell out of the poor kid's mom because of a long-shot corollary to a long-shot theory.
The corollary, which you keep forgetting, is that you have to grab any chance for happiness.
Corollary is there is such a thing as not trusting enough.
With the success of the band in South America. you do get the corollary. the price of fame.
Well, there's a corollary. It says that Mr. Walker spoke loudly to someone in his cell all night long.
Way back in your childhood, you found a corollary with what happened today.
And as a corollary.. Isupposetwopeople,who have worked together as friends.
So. Causation corollary.
I'm not gonna scare the hell out of the poor kid's mom Because of a long shot corollary to a long shot theory.
Corollary is there's such a thing as not trusting enough.
Little known fact-- huge corollary between studying and raising your grades.
Okay, do me a favor. See if you get any cross-corollary hits with ViCAP.
Colonel Dalleson, you will develop this plan as a corollary to the main attack.
It is the omnipresent affirmation of. the choice already made in production, and its corollary consumption.
Unified irreversible time is the time of the world market, and as a corollary of the world spectacle.
And as a corollary.. Isupposetwopeople,who have worked together as friends. -. couldsuddenlybecomelovers?
And as a corollary, the market for technologies is shrinking.
I assume it's a corollary if people lie, that people screw up.

News and current affairs

A logical corollary of the criteria set forth by Kenen and Obstfeld, and even of Mundell's labor-mobility criterion, is that currency unions cannot survive without political legitimacy, most likely involving region-wide popular elections.
A crucial corollary of this strategy is large-scale technology transfer to developing countries, allowing them both to grow and to curtail their emissions.
The second dangerous corollary was that markets know best.
Unilateral announcement of troop reductions in Europe and Asia, where US forces primarily serve (as in South Korea) to dissuade aggression, can only be seen as a corollary of this tendency.
The no-bailout clause that was included in the monetary union's founding treaty is an indispensable corollary.
As a corollary, the returns on massive infrastructure investment, much of which is directed toward supporting export growth, must also fade.
A corollary is that public money makes it possible for adventuresome programming even if audience tastes run to the conservative side.
Part of this initiative must be to provide, as a corollary to new disarmament requirements and control mechanisms, the assurance of non-discriminatory access to nuclear know-how, research, and technology.
The often unstated corollary to this doctrine is regime change.
One view is that their surpluses were a corollary of the policies favoring export-led growth that worked so well for so long. China's leaders are understandably reluctant to abandon a tried-and-true model.
The corollary to this is that institutions and even world orders--no matter how efficient and successful--must be reformed if they are unjust.
An important corollary for commodity-producing developing countries is that industrial metal prices, which really are leading indicators of economic activity, may well increase after an oil-price collapse.
There is a clear corollary: the voices and interests of relatively poor people count for little in American politics.
But Abenomics has a strategic corollary as well.
And, as a corollary, every bit of export-led growth that countries enjoy must be offset somewhere in the system by output growth that falls short of demand growth.
At home, he still ranks first in popularity among the country's heads of state, kindling nostalgia like a popular old record - a corollary to people's frustration and anger at the current government of President Lee Myung-bak.

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