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tray English

Translation tray in Czech

How do you say tray in Czech?

tray English » Czech

tácek tác mísa miska žlábek podnos plato

Examples tray in Czech examples

How do I translate tray into Czech?

Movie subtitles

So, anyway, you know, he's finally ready, and he's got, you know, his tray of cheese, you know, it's just right.
Takže je konečně připraven, vezme sýrový tác, krásně nachystaný.
His nose goes into the glass, tray goes everywhere.
Nos ve skle, tác letí.
And I never asked you to serve me this young lady's head on a tray. I would offer you her soul.
Byl bych vám rád nabídl její duši, ale jsem pouhý komorník.
But tomorrow morning, if you should wake out of your dreams. and hear a knock and the door opens, and there, instead of a maid with a breakfast tray. stands a policeman with a warrant, then you'll be glad you are alone.
Ale zítra ráno, se vzbudíš ze sna. a slyšíš klepání a dveře se otevřou a tam, na místo služky s podnosem se snídaní. bude stát policista se zatykačem, pak budeš ráda, že jsi sama.
Crashed the tray out of me hand, and swore at me.
Vyrazil mi tác z ruky a křičel na .
Prepare the tray.
Připravte podnos.
Well, anyway, I have a tray of gardenias and I'm supposed to walk around and annoy the customers into buying them.
Hele, vynikající placky.
He went up to the nursery for the baby's supper tray. and we haven't seen him since.
Šel do dětského pokoje pro podnos a od doby jsme ho neviděli.
I'm just his faithful old dog, Tray.
Jsem jeho věrný pes Tray.
Tray, I hate you to get married and go away.
Nechci, aby ses vdala a žila jinde.
She was lying on the divan, a large tray of cigarette stubs beside her.
Ležela na pohovce, vedle byl popelník plný nedopalků.
Now, you put that tray right down, Miss Cherry.
Položte ten podnos, slečno Cherry.
Idabelle, take that tray and get out of here. Oh, no, you don't.
Idabelle, vezmi ten podnos a odejdi!
This tray stays right here.
Ach ne, ten podnos tu zůstane!

News and current affairs

A monkey's mirror neurons are activated both when he himself is acting, say, taking a raisin from a tray, and when he is viewing another monkey (or the human experimenter) performing the same act.
Zrcadlové neurony u opice se aktivují tehdy, kdy ona sama něco provádí, například bere si rozinku z podnosu, ale i tehdy, kdy pozoruje jinou opici (nebo osobu, která provádí výzkum), jak provádí týž úkon.

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