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svléknout Czech

Meaning svléknout meaning

What does svléknout mean in Czech?


undress odebrat všechny nebo určité kusy oblečení

Translation svléknout translation

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Synonyms svléknout synonyms

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Conjugation svléknout conjugation

How do you conjugate svléknout in Czech?

svléknout · verb

Examples svléknout examples

How do I use svléknout in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Vadilo by ti svléknout si blůzu?
You won't object to removing your blouse, will you?
bych byl další, kdo by se musel svléknout.
I'd have been the next one to strip.
Doktore, nemůžu se svléknout.
You see how it is, Doc, I can't take my clothes.
Teď svléknout.
Put on in New York.
Půjdu se zase svléknout.
Well, I'll go and take me things off now.
se umím svléknout sama.
I can undress by myself.
Umím se svléknout sám, dobře?
You know, I'm perfectly capable of undressing, you know?
Pomoz mi ho svléknout.
Help me off with his coat.
Jdi se svléknout. Odskočím si.
I'll just go and spend a penny.
bych se mohla svléknout v hale hotelu Fairmont a on by nehnul ani brvou.
I could undress in the lobby of the Fairmont Hotel and he'd never turn a hair.
A teď svléknout.
Now, let's get undressed.
Měl byste se svléknout.
Better take your things off.
Nenaštvala jsem svého přítele. a nepřišla sem svléknout se jen proto, abys natáčel ulici venku.
I didn't stand up my gentleman friend. and come back here and take my clothes off for you to start filming the street.
Mám ti to svléknout?
Want this off?

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