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svléci Czech

Translation svléci translation

How do I translate svléci from Czech into English?

svléci Czech » English

undress strip off unclothe strip doff

Synonyms svléci synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as svléci?

svléci Czech » Czech

svléknout svlékat svléct sundat stáhnout

Examples svléci examples

How do I use svléci in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Mimochodem, kdybyste mohla svléci pyžamo, bral bych to jako osobní laskavost.
By the way, if you could arrange to get out of my pyjamas I'd take it as a great personal favour.
Ti, kteří si chtějí svléci svá saka, mohou.
Those who wish to remove their coats may do so.
Chcete svléci?
No, you want to take my clothes off?
Můžeš svléci?
Shh. Canst undress me now?
Nejdříve musíme svléci z těchto mokrých šatů.
The first thing we have to do is get you out of these wet clothes.
Pomohu ti se svléci.
Let me help you undress.
Nechceš se s námi svléci do naha?
Would you like to get naked with us?
Snažila jste se mne svléci a políbit.
You tried to undress me and kiss me.
Nikdy v životě jsem se vás nepokusila svléci, a nepolíbila bych vás, ani kdyby jsem ztroskotali na 20 let na pustém ostrově.
I've never tried to undress you in my life, and I wouldn't kiss you if we were marooned on a desert island for 20 years.
Takže, pokud jsem se vás pokoušela svléci a líbat, pak musím mít více osobností.
So if I was undressing you or trying to kiss you, I must have multiple personalities.
Nyní za clonu a svléci se do trenclí.
Go behind that screen and strip down to your skippies.
Teď kdybyste se mohla svléci, nebo tady budete opravdu celý den.
Now if you could get undressed or you really will be here all day.
Vy myslíte opravdu ne že to příliš pozdě je Svléci její zkoušku k, nebo dobře?
You think really not that it too late is Take her examination off to, or well?

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