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crease English

Translation crease in Czech

How do you say crease in Czech?

Examples crease in Czech examples

How do I translate crease into Czech?

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You've never had a pair of pants with a crease in them.
Nikdy jsi neměl kalhoty s nažehlenýma pukama.
Trousers with a crease were considered plebeian; the crease proved that the garment had lain upon a shelf, and hence was ready-made.
Plebejské puky svědčily o kalhotách z konfekce.
Trousers with a crease were considered plebeian; the crease proved that the garment had lain upon a shelf, and hence was ready-made.
Plebejské puky svědčily o kalhotách z konfekce.
Deep crease in the forehead.
Hluboké vrásky na čele.
The gold crease petering out?
Scullcreek je vytěžený tak brzo?
Don't half crease you, don't it.
se nezmačkáme.
Uh-oh. There's a crease on the inboard section of the starboard wing.
Vnitřní strana pravého křídla je promáčknutá.
Not a bloody creative artist to crease you up.
A ne kreativního umělce!
Oh, watch the crease.
Pozor na puky.
Watch the crease.
Pozor na puky.
Whoa! Crease!
, faldík.
Be careful! Don't crease it!
Pozor, jde nevěsta s ženichem!
Then the tube moves through the vein. under the crease of the arm, into the vein that leads into the heart.
Katetr se pak pohybuje žilou v podpaždí k žíle co vede přímo do srdce.
Hey, Crease, you on?
Creasi, jsi tam?

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