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clinch Czech

Synonyms clinch synonyms

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Translation clinch in Czech

How do you say clinch in Czech?

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sevřít sevření objetí stáhnout klinč

Examples clinch in Czech examples

How do I translate clinch into Czech?

Movie subtitles

He must have felt awful about not finding you two in a clinch.
Musel se cítil strašně, když nenašel vás dva v objetí.
Just a clinch!
Ber to jako kamarádský obětí.
If he doesn't, we'll tell him we're moving out. That'll clinch it.
Kdyby ne, tak mu řeknu, se o sebe postará sám.
What would clinch it for us?
Co by nejvíc pomohlo, Parkisi?
This is Mr. And Mrs. Bale Clinch.
To je pan a paní Bale Clinchová.
Clinch him!
Sevri ho!
Clinch when he moves inside.
Sevri ho, když se priblíží.
Clinch him.
Sevri ho.
He defends himself by a clinch.
Brání se klinčem.
You gave him time in the clinch.
V klinči jsi mu dával čas.
Right, watch that clinch on the door.
Dobře, pozor na dveře.
Get him in a clinch.
Musíš do klinče.
Get him in a clinch. - Hold it near his nose.
Přesně tak, do klinče.
Keep him in the clinch so he can't move.
Stačí mu to strčit do obličeje a ani se nehne.

News and current affairs

In the current rankings, both are locked in a clinch close to the bottom of the FT list of top firms.
V současném hodnocení se obě firmy nacházejí zhruba na stejné příčce ve spodní části firemního žebříčku vypracovaného Financial Times.

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