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poprsí busta

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Je to bysta mého zemřelého adoptivního syna Gaia.
It's a bust of my late adopted son, Gaius.
Hansi, ta bysta skrývá ty vzácné kukačky. které po válce prodám.
Hans, that bust conceals the priceless cuckoo clock. which I will sell after the war.
Jak vidíte, oba odlitky se spojí a vyplní sádrou. Tak vznikne hotová bysta.
You see the two molds are put together and filled with plaster to make the complete bust.
Vaše bysta.
You're bust sir.
Položka č. 2: Bysta Athény - starověké bohyně moudrosti, průmyslu a války.
Lot two, bust of Athena, ancient Goddess of wisdom, industry and war.
A pak se zčistajasna na stanici objevila tahle karta a ve stejnou chvíli se v coperstownské síni slávy v New Yorku objevila jeho bysta.
Then, in the blink of an eye, that card appeared on the station. And at that same moment, a bust of Willie Mays appeared at the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.
Ne, ne, ne, bysta je super.
Oh, no, no, the bust is cool.
Ramsesův zádušní chrám, z kterého bysta pochází, byl jen počátek královy posedlosti po budování.
NARRATOR: Ramesses' memorial temple, from which the bust came, was just the start of the king's obsession for building.
A doufal, že jednou bude bysta umístěna v Britském muzeu, a dosáhne uznání, o které tak dlouho usiloval, v jeho příjmutém domovu, Anglii.
And he hoped that once the bust was installed in the British Museum, he would achieve the recognition he had long sought in his adopted home of England.
Je to bysta.
It's a bust.
Je tam bysta?
There's a bust? - There's a bust.
Víte jak je ta bysta drahá?
You know how much this bust is worth?
Tam je ještě bysta Lenina, chceš si ho taky vzít?
There was a bust of Lenin, you could take it.
Strávil bysta tady někdy noc?
Would you hang out here at night?

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