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Bass Czech

Translation Bass translation

How do I translate Bass from Czech into English?

Bass Czech » English


Examples Bass examples

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Movie subtitles

My v Beechamu jsme zjistili. že podle zákona nesmíme být začleňováni do okresu Brender. protože na druhé straně řeky Bass. patříme do Nevady.
We in Beecham found out. we had no right to be incorporated in Brender County. because from the other side of the Bass River. we belong in Nevada.
Edward Bass.
Bass. Edward Bass.
Desátník Dunne, Charlie Bass a .
Corporal Dunne, Charlie Bass and myself.
Kde je Bass?
Where's Bass?
To je Bass!
It's Bass!
Choynski, Soames a Bass jsou na lazaretní lodi a plují do Států.
Choynski, Soames and Bass are on a hospital ship Stateside-bound.
Jmenuji se George Bass.
George Bass is my name.
Tady Bass, měl byste hned přijít do čtvrtého obvodu.
Bass. You better get over here to the Fourth Ward.
Oh, zdravím, Bass!
Oh, hello, Bass!
Oh, to jste vy pan Bass.
Oh hello, Mr. Bass.
Bass, nerozumím?
Bass, what's the word?
I Bass to říkal.
Yes, Bass admits it.

bass English

Translation Bass in Czech

How do you say Bass in Czech?

Bass English » Czech


Examples Bass in Czech examples

How do I translate Bass into Czech?

Simple sentences

You are mistaken: he plays double bass, not trombone.
Mýlíš se: on hraje na kontrabas, ne na trombón.
A guitar normally has six strings, while a bass guitar normally has four strings.
Kytara normálně šest strun, zatímco baskytara obyčejně struny čtyři.

Movie subtitles

A bottle of Bass, Herbert.
Láhev Bassu, Herberte.
His mother was a well-known bass singer.
Jeho matka byla známá basistka.
The low bass of the Kazan Cathedral.
Oktáva Kazaňské katedrály.
Well, now to finish, suppose we see some of the percussion instruments, beginning with the bass drum.
Abychom to měli kompletní, hádám, že nás čekají bicí. Začneme bubnem.
We in Beecham found out. we had no right to be incorporated in Brender County. because from the other side of the Bass River. we belong in Nevada.
My v Beechamu jsme zjistili. že podle zákona nesmíme být začleňováni do okresu Brender. protože na druhé straně řeky Bass. patříme do Nevady.
Of a summer night, young men would bring an orchestra under a pretty girl's window a flute, harp, fiddle, cello, coronet, bass viole, would presently release their melodies to the dulcet stars.
V létě přivedl mládenec dívce pod okno kapelu. Flétna, housle i basa libě vyhrávaly pod hvězdami.
Took a bit too much to drink the other night right out here, - and stepped clean through the bass fiddle that was serenading' her! - Well, well.
Eugene Morgan tuhle přebral a při serenádě prošlápl basu.
Fact is, I believe if he hadn't broken that bass fiddle, Isabel never would have taken Wilbur. Heh, what do you think, Wilbur?
Kdyby nerozbil tu basu, Isabel by si asi nevzala, Wilbure.
In fact, it's the only thing that makes me forgive that bass viole for getting in my way.
Jen kvůli tomu base odpouštím, že mi vlezla do cesty.
He's got a good bass voice.
hezký hluboký hlas.
Look, he wants a bass singer.
Potřebuje basistu.
I ain't a bass singer!
nejsem basista!
You are a bass singer.
Ale jsi.
Why am I a bass singer?
Jak to?

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