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barel Czech

Meaning barel meaning

What does barel mean in Czech?


barrel kovový sud na hořlavé kapaliny barrel jednotka objemu používaná zejména pro ropu

Translation barel translation

How do I translate barel from Czech into English?

barel Czech » English

barrel drum canister oil drum cask

Synonyms barel synonyms

What other words in Czech have the same or similar meaning as barel?

barel Czech » Czech

sud bečka železný sud barrel

Inflection barel inflection

How do you inflect barel in Czech?

barel · noun


Examples barel examples

How do I use barel in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Homere. Kdyby vypil barel, tak mu nic nebude.
You'll realize there isn't a headache in a barrel of it.
Mohl jsi dopadnout jako ten barel.
You would have looked like that barrel.
Jako bych se plavil skrz barel syrupu.
Like trying to swim through a barrel of syrup.
Jsem prostě jako velký mouky barel.
I'm just like a big flour barrel.
Jeden barel nám stačí na pět dní, Iane.
We will use one barrel every five days, Ian.
Plný barel pro začátek.
And a barrelful will do to begin with.
Připojíme teď ten nový barel, Staffe?
Shall we connect the new drum now, Staff?
Vezmi ten barel.
Take this barrel.
Musím si doplnit krev jsem ztratil celý barel.
I must produce blood. - I lost a whole barrel.
I kdyby barel cukru stál 2 centy, nemohl bych si dovolit ani špetku soli nebo vejce.
If sugar were 2 cents a barrel I couldn't afford a pinch of salt or an egg to put it on.
Uvidíme, za jak dlouho barel vyplave.
Let's see how long that barrel takes to bring him up.
Uvolni další barel.
Free another barrel.
Barel je na hladině, prímo na zádi.
The barrel is up, it's right in the stern.
Priprav další barel.
Hook me up another barrel.

News and current affairs

Ceny ropy od pozdního léta klesly o několik dolarů za barel.
Oil prices have risen several dollars a barrel since late summer.

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